I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again - On the top ten list of my secrets of weight loss success (not that I’ve officially made a list mind you) the reminder I’m about to issue ranks at least in the top five, if not the top two!!
It’s VBS time at our church. We’re there from before 9 to after 2:30pm. There are plenty of snacks provided, but we are to pack lunches for the kiddoes…and of course we workers gotta eat! The snacks which abounded were mostly things like Goldfish, cupcakes, cookies, popcorn, and the like. Though I was pleased to see some fresh fruit. Last year I packed a generous, but not healthy lunch, and kept snagging handfuls of fish whenever I walked by the table. This year I had a healthy lunch in a cooler in the car.
No reason to be tempted when you’ve got your own yummy food!!!
Though of course, I had to go on a Starbucks run…
What do you order at Starbucks? I love that place! It is sooooo good.
Comment by Nikki — July 17, 2007 @ 4:27 pm
Don’t get excited!
I order a tall or grande bold coffee and I drink it BLACK.
I used to get a piece of pumpkin loaf and a gingerbread latte - or a cafe mocha… which is one of many reasons I weighed in over 200lbs.
Comment by blestwithsons — July 17, 2007 @ 5:17 pm
I hear you my sister, I really thought today might be hard, but it really wasn’t (other than my headache. I too packed a wonderful lunch for myself, and appropriate snacks. I can happily say I was never even tempted. Speaking of, don’t forget my muffin! Just kidding!
Comment by Kellie — July 17, 2007 @ 7:11 pm
I’m sorry your head was hurting! You hid it well!
I was extra blessed- David paid for my coffee since I was willing to make the run. We ADDers gotta have our meds, don’tcha know! At least I only had a grande - he had a Venti!!
Comment by blestwithsons — July 17, 2007 @ 7:20 pm
Definitely! I’ll be packing carefully for day camp in a couple of weeks. Of course, I’ll probably sweat off a few pounds a day regardless of what I eat!
Comment by Jana — July 18, 2007 @ 7:09 am
WOW! Bold and black!? That would help my cause for sure. I’m a sucker for the Frappachino’s mmmmmm. You can order them light too, but really, how light do you think it is?! I can’t keep going that route. That would be why I gained so much on my vacation by the way. It was a white mocha here and a frappachino there. Here a calorie there a calorie, everywhere a calorie calorie! Ok, stupid song over.
Comment by Nikki — July 18, 2007 @ 7:32 am