[Trumpet Fanfare!] Today’s the day! It’s our very first ever
. Today is the official day to step on the scale and let us cheer for you (or give you an e-hug as the case may be). For all those who are choosing to participate, simply enter your news in the comments. The weigh-in is open to members and readers, however this week’s prize drawing is for members only. I won’t draw the winner until tomorrow morning, so whatever time today you weigh-in is just fine. Before we begin, I want to give you these words from trainer Bob Greene from the book Making the Connection which I just picked up at Goodwill this weekend…
Just be sure not to fall into the trap of allowing the scale to dictate your moods. It can mislead you because of so many weight fluctuations. But it can also give you helpful information as long as you understand the concepts just discussed. I strongly recommend that you weigh yourself no more than once a week. Monday is a good day to weigh yourself because it keeps you from straying during the weekend. And be consistent in how you weigh yourself. Use the same scale. Weigh yourself at the same time every morning. And whether you weight yourself with or without clothes, you should always do it the same way.[…] your body will undergo changes that you won’t always understand. Do not be concerned with the temporary ups or downs in your weight. Simply step back, focus on feeling better, and above all, stay on your program.
Did you get that? Now we’re all grown women here. We know something about unexplained weight changes. Happens about once a month, eh? So keep that in mind. Remember that we’re just taking one step today…and get to it! Step on those scales and report!!
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Yikes! I’m first! Okay, I’m down three pounds today after maneuvering through a weekend of minefields! (Can I just say every.time.I.turned.around. someone was offering me ice cream??? What’s with that?)
Who’s next?
Comment by stephanie — July 31, 2006 @ 8:25 am
YAY Stephanie!! That’s Great!
Okay - I’m next. I’m down five pounds! Now I know a good bit of that is probably fluid, but it sure is good to get that off - and that was with PMS!
So…Who’s Next?
Comment by blestwithsons — July 31, 2006 @ 8:35 am
I think I’m going to track my weight like this at these weigh ins…
high/current/goal - lbs lost/gained
So, here’s what the numbers look like this week
256.6 / 213.4 / 135 - down 1
I could have done better last weekend with the food. Other than that, I’m glad the scale moved the right direction.
Like Steph, it was a minefield here also.
EOM - down 5.8 for July
Comment by Blair — July 31, 2006 @ 8:37 am
Way to go Steph!! Being down three AND resisting ice cream - woohoo!!!
Great work Blest! PMS - wow, you showed her who’s boss! Great work, fluid or not!
Comment by Blair — July 31, 2006 @ 8:39 am
okay when I weighed this morning I was at 174 which is more or less where I have been in the last several years. (except duing pregnancy - but I have already talked about that) So that is where I am going to start.
Comment by Maria — July 31, 2006 @ 8:56 am
Like Blair, I’m going to do a little tracker thing……
high/current/goal -lbs lost or gained (total lost)
226 / 209.2 / 150 down 1.6 lbs (Total: -16.8)
July was a good month ~ I lost 7 pounds!
Great job to everybody!!
Comment by Lorri — July 31, 2006 @ 8:59 am
*I will not be a downer*
*I will NOT be a downer*
*I WILL NOT be a downer*
However, today was my first time on the scales in about two weeks.
Up a few. Well. Up FIVE.
And I thought weaning the baby would help. Silly me!
Comment by AJ — July 31, 2006 @ 9:04 am
You are not a downer.
You are not a downer!
I already like your style AJ! And since this is your first day with us, just consider that your starting weight with no change.
It’s a new day, my friend!!
Comment by blestwithsons — July 31, 2006 @ 9:07 am
Thank you Blest!
Honestly, I feel great. This is going to be good for me. Wha-HOOO!
Comment by AJ — July 31, 2006 @ 9:19 am
Well…You all have done so well and I’m really excited to be able to do this with you all. Here are my numbers:
235 * 234.2 * 145 >>Down .8
Becca in IN
Comment by Becca — July 31, 2006 @ 9:32 am
Yay Becca! Every bit counts!
Comment by blestwithsons — July 31, 2006 @ 9:37 am
Down 2 - woo hoo!
Just think how much it would’ve been if I’d dodged the ice cream like Stephanie.
Comment by Carrie — July 31, 2006 @ 10:03 am
Maria - it’s good to have a “starting point” - so glad you stepped on the scale with us!
Lorri - great work girl! And good end of month results also!
AJ - I agree with Blest, this is a new beginning! This is your jumping off point - 1…2….3….GO!!
Becca - you’ve done great! Down is down in my book!
Comment by Blair — July 31, 2006 @ 10:03 am
This morning was the first time ever in the past 7 years I did not dread stepping on the scale. And this (meaning this blog) is the first time ever in my entire life I’ve ever shared my “number”. Y’all are so amazingly nice!
Good idea on the number - I’m going to copy
330/331.2/150 (2.8 lost)
Comment by Kat — July 31, 2006 @ 10:09 am
Ok, today is my starting weight. 217.6
Comment by Kimberly — July 31, 2006 @ 10:13 am
I have defined my goals now, and for me it’s not all about the scale. (However, for the record, I’m down .6 lbs with 5.6 to go.) My more important goal is one of regular exercise. So I’m committing to exercise 4 x per week for the next two months which will bring me right to my 30th birthday. Hopefully it will be somewhat of a habit by then! I know it seems like only having a few pounds to go would be easy, but when you are that close to goal, it is really tempting to just say “This is good. Please pass the brownies.” Everyone starts telling you “You don’t need to diet, you look great!” I want to get this ALL the way done. I want to be able to say “I really don’t need to lose ANY weight.” I am also kind of between clothes sizes which is really annoying.I am determined to check this off of my “to do” list.
You guys are all doing awesome, congrats!
Comment by Bethany G. — July 31, 2006 @ 10:17 am
Okay, here I go. I’m ready to just say how much I weigh - which is a big step for me! My weight was 260 when I stopped the upward trend. I was 256 last week on my birthday, and 255 today. So that means I’m down a pound.
I like the tracking idea of checking in - but I’m going to add a column to remind me of my short term goal.
260/255/130(250) - down 1
(that’s high/current/goal (short term goal)
I need the short term goals to stay motivated. if I look at the total goal, I just get discouraged.
Comment by Tracy — July 31, 2006 @ 10:41 am
Today is day 8 of doing the Lord’s Table at settingcaptivesfree.com for me.
When I started I was 210 (which is the most I have ever weighed). I am happy to report that today I am 201.2. I lost approximately 9 lbs. My goal weight is 145.
I also took my measurements today to see how my inch loss is coming…sometimes you might not show much of a weight loss (especially if you have been building muscle) but you could have lost inches.
Comment by Mandi — July 31, 2006 @ 11:16 am
Okay, so I’m down one pound to 179. I have no idea how that happened but please God, let it happen again (and again!). First time on the scale in about a month though so hope the progress is a little faster than that. Grateful to have all you ladies to inspire me! Here we go!!!
Comment by Andrea — July 31, 2006 @ 11:20 am
You ladies are doing so great! And Kat and Tracy, it is awesome that you guys are courageously stepping up to share your numbers! No worries - you’re amongst friends!
Comment by blestwithsons — July 31, 2006 @ 11:37 am
Well, I haven’t really started dieting yet. But I went out and bought my first ever scale yesterday. Yikes! I usually just get weighed at the doctors office - or at the health club when I used to go. Now I have no excuse.
So… I joined a health club last week. And I’ve gone 3 times including today. My goal is to go 3-4 times a week. I’m reading my way through the Glycemic Index book and will hopefully be able to start implementing something soon.
Comment by Anita — July 31, 2006 @ 11:49 am
Okay, I am still at 200, so my numbers look like this:
I actually want to be 150, but I can never lose those last 10 pounds, so I’m just taking them off the top, LOL.
We had an ice cream social at church last night, too. I shared mine with the baby.
Comment by Jana — July 31, 2006 @ 1:08 pm
I know I am not a member, but I am going to try to lose weight with all of you awesome women. Congrats to you all for taking those first steps. The first steps are the hardest! We are all making life changes that will make us healthier in the end. I got on the scale today and I weigh 185. My goal weight is to be 135, so I have 50lbs to lose. I plan on walking, swimming, and exercising on my Gazelle and I plan on using the South Beach Diet. I have already stopped putting sugar in my Tea and stopped drinking soda and started drinking more water. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but I didn’t gain all this weight in a day and I won’t lose it that way. Just like the story of the Tortoise and the Hare slow and steady won the race. Slow and steady is much better and healthier!
Comment by momof3busyboys — July 31, 2006 @ 7:41 pm
Cool! Another South Beacher!! The others are me and Kat. You are very welcome to journey with us on the blog. I just had to limit the posting members for sanity’s sake. Too many people posting and it would be impossible to keep up with – y’know?! But as soon as we get openings I will definitely be letting faithful commenters know!
And you’re absolutely right! Slow and steady!!
Comment by blestwithsons — July 31, 2006 @ 7:47 pm
Alright, ok, how did ya’ll post this?
219.6/208.2/160 lost 2.2 pounds this week and a total of 11.4 for 5 weeks.
And might I say that everybody did so well! (said w/ a very emotional lump in throat) “I am so proud of each and everyone of you…(back to normal upbeat voice)…we totally rock!”
Comment by Angie — July 31, 2006 @ 11:37 pm