I don’t have (much) trouble sticking to my points allowance on weekdays. Something about the nromal routine and schedule makes it relatively easy. But then the weekend hits…
What is it about Friday night that makes me think I deserve to celebrate? And why do I always associate celebration with food? Actually, I know why. I come by it naturally. When I was growing up, my mom went on a health food kick. Rice and beans was a frequent dinner dish - the main course, no less. We took herbal supplements by the handful and I still shudder when I think about the parsley tea she forced us to drink for urinary tract health!
My dad was pretty understanding, but he is a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy. It wasn’t easy. And the no sugar allowed thing was a big struggle. After a long time of feeling completely deprived (and lots of sneaking candy at friend’s houses and at school), Mom came up with a compromise: Friday Night Junk Food Nights. This was my dad’s night to say what goes. And since Dad loves any form of sweets, we had a good time. I won’t regale you with tales of the amount of junk my dad and my sisters and I would consume, wouldn’t want to tempt anyone. ~wink~
I don’t think a little bit of junk every once in a while is a bad thing. But we didn’t know how to do moderation. For my kids, I’ve tried to maintain a healthy menu, but I do allow them small portions of dessert a couple times a week. They think they’re terribly deprived, to which I reply, “When I was your age…”
Anyhow, Friday night hits and I need ice cream. Or at least I think I do.
Then Saturday morning dawns, when my husband likes to either cook a huge breakfast of eggs, bacon, and chocolate pancakes - or run to McDonald’s for an egg mcmuffin. It’s like a mine field, ladies!
So I guess what I’m saying is: help! I need extra prayer for the weekends. I failed miserably last night. But I’m pulling myself up by my sandal straps and getting right back on that horse. Cause it’s worth it. Right?
(((Carrie))) Weekends can be a minefield, that’s for sure. The best I ever did on weekends was when I had a Saturday weigh-in with Weight Watchers. I would behave on Friday night b/c I knew I had to weigh in on Saturday morning, and then I would generally be good on Saturday because I would be pumped from the meeting … of course at the time I was single and didn’t have a husband who asked me to dish him up ice cream.
Hang in there! I’m not sure what I’ll do when our normal Friday night pizza happens next week. I was blessed with a week off b/c my husband had a couple wisdom teeth removed and couldn’t chew it … hence the ice cream snare!
Comment by stephanie — July 29, 2006 @ 1:42 pm
I understand Carrie – I so understand. For some reason growing up my family always considered Friday nights and the weekends as either “free for all” or “junk days”. This mentality has invaded the current life as well!
Thank you for sharing, it IS worth it and I will pray for you right now.
This weekend has been a struggle that is for sure. I am comforted to know that I am not the only one with weekend issues!
Comment by Kat — July 29, 2006 @ 3:34 pm
Hey sweet lady! First of all, let’s find another word instead of “failed”. It just sounds too…
How about “detoured”? You veered to the left for a minute and now you’re getting back on track, eh?!
I know you probably know the stategies already, but let’s go over them anyway. Eat super well on Thursday and Friday. Lots of veggies, lots of water. Have a big salad - with a healthy dressing - before the pizza arrives. Decide beforehand how many pieces you will have - 1 or 2? (not my standard 4). Then make sure you eat your portion sloooowwllly. And don’t read while you eat! (I’m speaking to myself here) As for breakfast, maybe your husband could forego the big breakfasts for awhile?
I know around here, we’ve explained to the boys that we won’t be ordering pizza for awhile, because mommy can’t have it. They aren’t thrilled, but this is a chance for them to learn about being supportive and sacrificing for others.
As far as the ice cream, I think Angie wrote on her blog about some really good frozen treats - I don’t remember what they were…
Comment by blestwithsons — July 29, 2006 @ 3:35 pm
Oh, Carrie. As I was logging on, it was to say the same thing as you–weekends are dangerous for me.
I also come by it be conditioning as my family always went out to eat on Friday nights (back in the day before pizza delivery).
Maybe while hubby is making up that big breakfast (unless he puts it on hiatus) you can go out, like yard saling, or walking, or what-have-you.
Praying for you all!
Comment by lady laura — July 29, 2006 @ 4:00 pm
weekends are hard in general. You can do it - I agree with Blest - it’s a DETOUR, not a failure. If at first you don’t succeed, etc.
Comment by Tracy — July 30, 2006 @ 11:01 am
Hey Carrie - weekends are my most difficult time also. I do take Friday’s off from any meal plan but I try not to dive off the deep end with it. I call it my “diet sabbath” lol. This actually isn’t a problem as long as I’m back on track come Saturday morning. Of course, when Erik is home it’s harder because all routine is out the window.
We can do this though! This journey isn’t about perfection - it’s about doing well MOST of the time lol. More wins than losses in the battlefield.
Comment by Blair — July 31, 2006 @ 9:01 am