Ok – I came to the stark conclusion after I received this beautiful piece of encouragement: http://one-weigh-or-another.blogspot.com/2006/08/in-moos.html#comments
I don’t have a hobby. Nope – not one. Sure, I enjoy reading – but that’s like… sleep… I HAVE to do it. I need something to do to relax, to encourage mental stability *for lack of a better term*
So my question is – what do YOU do for a hobby? Do you cook, clean (I live in WI.. let me know if you are traveling and feel the need to release your genius – I can send the directions….) craft, scrapbook, sew, hike (don’t like you), or something else that my mind can’t fit around?
When my 7 yr old daughter saw the bracelet she said, “Mummy – I would LOVE to learn how to do that. We could make birthday gifts for our friends”. So that has me thinking about getting into beading.. ohhhh Blestttt……
So do share your artisanship, lark, sport, or recreation.
Hobby me.
Well..as you know, I bead. I also scrapbook and rubber stamp, write, sing, play a little piano, and cook. Do you hate me yet? Too many hobbies -not enough time!!!
And of course I’ll be happy to help in any way I can…
Comment by blestwithsons — August 18, 2006 @ 7:07 pm
Let’s see….knitting, gardening, HIKING, biking, sew, craft, photography, and embroidery. Oh, and blogging. There are many other things I would like to try too, but those keep me pretty busy.
Take a tour of Michael’s or Hobby Lobby… the possibilities are endless=)
Comment by lady laura — August 18, 2006 @ 9:11 pm
I read copious amounts of books and magazines giving me a complete wealth of useless knowledge. I also cook, tie quilts, embroider and come up with all sorts of “I Love Lucy”-type schemes. And I nap. It is definitely a hobby.
Comment by SalGal — August 18, 2006 @ 10:16 pm
Hmmm……first I was in college with a double major for 4 years ~ not much time for hobbies there. Next was going to grad school while working a full time job for 5 years~ no time for hobbies then either. After that was 6 years of teaching, a different grade and/or school each year ~ by then I had forgotten any hobbies that I’d had in the past, and while the school year was in session, didn’t have time to pursue any. I would have answered that doing our finances was my hobby. How sad is that?
That brings me up to now. I have discovered that I really like gardening. I walk, and try to read from the library. But I really should start doing something crafty.
Comment by Lorri — August 18, 2006 @ 10:18 pm
I used to do a lot of things. knit, crochet, cross stitch, scrapbook, read, and a few more. Then I had another baby…
Now I’m just starting to get into my former hobbies again. I never completely stopped reading, of course (stop reading? might as well as me to stop breathing! Not going to happen of my own volition!). I’m starting to do more scrapbooking, and I am teaching my daughter how to crochet. It was amazing how much more relaxed I felt the instant I held the crochet hook!
I should take up my former hobbies again more - I don’t eat when my hands are busy. Food for thought?
Comment by Tracy — August 18, 2006 @ 10:31 pm
I read, crochet, read, sing, read, play the piano, write, and read some more! I love audiobooks - I can “read” and crochet at the same time.
Comment by Carrie — August 18, 2006 @ 10:50 pm
Now I am, of course, a voracious reader as well….but reading is not helpful in this arena! You can eat and read at the same time!! As a matter of fact, some books make me eat. Try getting through Farmer Boy without a snack or two… ;-p
Comment by blestwithsons — August 18, 2006 @ 11:49 pm
Well, I can see why we all get along so well, now!!! LOL
I cook, crochet, cook, quilt, sew, cook, sing, bake, collect cookbooks, read, cook, blog, needlework and crossstitch, cook, watch movies (a real movie buff), take pictures, cook, … and did I mention I cook?
On the agenda for the coming year is to also add knitting…
I tried scrapbooking but really am not that great at it. I am also a pastor’s wife who does not play the piano. LOL When I am with Blest I do some beading. Even my beading turns out well when I am with her.
She is a great teacher!
Comment by Leann — August 19, 2006 @ 12:05 am
Wow - y’all are so talented.
And yes, I definitely admire, and am not a hater of the hikers in the group….
I have tried scrap booking and stamping. I like it - but lost interest so quickly and I can’t WEAR a scrapbook page and I think it is highly advisable not to stamp myself… anyway…
So I guess my question is Blest - what would be the simple BASICS of getting started with beads. I am simply overwhelmed when I googled beading and started seeing the vastness of items available. Like – how on earth would I know what would be the best thing to use to string the beads on? Tools needed? I don’t want to invest a ton of money on the off chance (ha-ha) this isn’t my “thing”. Would appreciate any help you have to offer!
Comment by Kat — August 19, 2006 @ 1:55 pm
Lorri, you and I have some of our schooling in common. That is cool! I love gardening, too. Forgot to put that one in but, of course, the gardening goes hand in hand with all the cooking in my house because I mostly do vegetable gardening. LOL
Comment by Leann — August 19, 2006 @ 4:10 pm
I scrapbook and write (journalling), read, play in the kitchen (try new recipes, collect recipes, drool over cookbooks, etc.) I can play the guitar and piano, but have in a few years … guitars are hard to play when pregnant … and I sing, but not as much now with little babies.
Comment by stephanie — August 19, 2006 @ 8:32 pm
I like to sew. I’m not very good at it (I’m zipper deficient), but I enjoy making dresses for my daughter. In fact, tonight I made her one for church tomorrow.
Books are like water…can’t live without them.
Comment by Kimberly — August 20, 2006 @ 1:11 am