With the Bible thoughts and the information posts going up and with Blair’s daily checklist I thought I would throw a few things out for you guys to think about over the weekend.
1. How is it going? After three weeks are you making new goals? Are you revamping the old ones to fit your lifestyle? Are you developing some new habits? You know it only takes 21-28 days to form a new habit… Post on your progress and share what you are learning and changing…
2. Have you read any good books lately? Is there a book that has helped you to make some changes? Share the title and author with us and what you have learned. (a book review of sorts, if you will)
3. Are you seeing some improvements? …in your energy level? …ability to get a better night’s sleep? What about changes from drinking more water? Tell us…
4. Has having a group like this helped you? How has it helped you and what would you like to see here that could be more beneficial? Please let us know…
Think on it all and share with us when you can…
1. I don’t think I’m doing as well as I’d like yet. I knew that it would be a rough first few weeks with birthday season going on here, plus travelling to family.
I think I will be changing what I am doing for diet once I get home. For now, I’m okay. But I would like to see some better progress than I feel I’m getting at this point. Perhaps I’m more motivated now.
2. I’m reading a book on insulin resistance and dieting, but can’t remember the name (forgot it at home). It really emphasized protein linking - making sure that every meal has protein. I think that’s been helpful. I’m not sure I’m going to follow exactly what they say, but it has helpful ideas.
3. I keep forgetting to drink water on the trip. At home, I have a big mug that I keep filled, and that helps. Here, I have to keep getting new glasses of water - argh. But I felt a lot better when I was drinking more water.
I’m going to bed earlier and sleeping more. (Of course, that may be because the child who never sleeps is finally sleeping through the night again, but that’s because he’s been well for a while now - stay well stay well, please - I like sleep!).
I’ve been more disciplined about my meds the past three weeks and that is helping too. When I get home, I am going to start taking Metformin again, which helps with my PCOS. (I’m in a lot of pain at this point from what we are assuming is the ovary pain again - ultrasound on Monday morning to make sure that’s what is going on in there.) One thing is for sure, I’ll have to be very good about my diet or risk yucky side effects.
In any event, it is very helpful to be taking my thyroid hormone very regularly. I have a bit more energy this way (my thyroid is underactive - doesn’t make enough hormone, and as a result, I have very very low energy when I am not taking enough thyroid hormone dose to compensate. My thyroid has been out of whack for the past year, but we’re slowly getting the dose to where it needs to be now. Of course, when I lose all the weight, it will probably throw everything off the other way… but I’m willing to put up with that “inconvenience”…
4. YES YES YES. Example: We were at a family reunion type cookout and there were THREE wonderful desserts. I had a small portion of one - and was so tempted to have all three, but thought - nope, I’ll have to fess up to it
Accountability helps. I can’t think of anything else at this point.
Comment by Tracy — August 12, 2006 @ 9:56 am
Tracy, my mom has had hypothyroidism for over 30 years. Once her medication was regulated her dose has not changed in that time but once. It is very manageable with daily meds like you are taking. I am so glad you have been taking them regularly. They should help immensely with water retention and energy level. I have my thyroid checked yearly because it runs in my family.
I look forward to knowing the title of that book when you find out. I struggle with hypoglycemia and have been eating more low glycemic foods and such.
Traveling is never easy on a dieter. I struggled with it, too last week while camping with the family. You will get back on track when you are home and into a normal routine again.
PCOS, from my understanding, is a major cause of being overweight. If your doctor is willing to work with you to regulate your hormones you might inquire about dietary suggestions to go with your meds. There are lots of foods out there that help regulate hormones. I am praying for you and for your pain to subside. I am so sorry you are in constant pain with this. I have a uterine tumor that causes some pretty nasty pain sometimes but it is not constant like the pain you have. I really feel for you sweetie!!!
I am so glad you are on board with us!!! (((((BIGGINORMOUSHUGS)))))
Comment by Leann — August 12, 2006 @ 11:49 am
Hi, Leann. Actually I’ve been diagnosed hypothyroid for about 17 years. In the past, I only had dose changes during and immediately following pregnancy. Unfortunately, following my last pregnancy, I’ve fluctuated a lot in my dosage needs - becoming a bit “hyper”thyroid at one point, but then rebounding to an all time high for me of TSH of 11. Ugh. We’ve got it back down to the 5.5 range, but it needs to get between 1 and 2.
I am very glad to be taking meds more daily again - it didn’t help to forget it!
Thanks for the BIG hugs! I’ve been dealing with PCOS since my teens and it’s never been easy. The diet changes WILL help, as you said! Metformin will help my insulin to work better - and thus help the PCOS too - weird, isn’t it?
I can’t wait to be home! Just wish I didn’t have to travel to get there, right?
Comment by Tracy — August 12, 2006 @ 11:27 pm
1. Overall, it’s going well. I’m getting used to eating even better than I have in the past. One of my new goals is to really get a handle on emotional eating. Exercise is becoming a habit again.
2. I’m currently reading Body for Life for Women, by Pamela Peeke. She breaks down a woman’s life into four main periods, then gives recommendations for each on eating and fitness. The part of the book I love best so far is on p. 77, a big stop sign that reads “STOP! The answer is NOT in here” to post on your refrigerator, etc. I’ll probably modify the “The answer is HERE” one to a cross instead of a yin/yang symbol.
3. Yes, I’m seeing improvement. My weight is down, DH is getting on board, I’m realizing how important exercise is to my mood.
4. The more support, the better!! Yes, even just reading posts when I’m too much inside myself to write a post has been helpful.
Comment by Lorri — August 13, 2006 @ 6:59 pm
1. Well, it’s going well in that I’ve not cheated, and I’ve been working hard at exercising. I’m not losing as fast as I would like though. But I need to be patient.
2. I guess the Lord of the Rings doesn’t count…(and this was my umpteenth re-read, not the first time - if anyone was wondering)
3. I would be noticing improvements in my energy level if I were getting enough sleep. Eating right and exercising - for me- is like sticking my finger in a light socket. I’m too hyper to sleep. I’ve been much happier, though. No more thoughts of suicide, less of that pervasive sadness. Not as cranky with the boys. From the water…my skin looks great!
4. Absolutely this is helping me! I’m rather lonely - and this is helping. (I only have one local friend, after all! And she’s REALLY busy) And I find you ladies inspiring! And motivating. And funny! I thank God almost daily for this idea!
Comment by blestwithsons — August 13, 2006 @ 8:36 pm