Back, years ago, one of the things I was complimented most on was my posture. Whether is was military training or what, I don’t know, but keeping my back straight and abs tucked in became a habit. So much so that I didn’t even realize I was doing it all the time. Obviously by my girth, I traded that habit (as well as others) for bad posture and sagging abdominals.
Having been the “crunch queen” in the past, I was skeptical when Allie introduced me to Pilates after the birth of my second daughter (mind you I delivered another after her). When we went through the 20 minute tape that first time, yes, I felt I lacked some coordination but I truly didn’t think it was working my abs that much….until later that day. I remember laughing at something and realizing that my abdominals were sore! She was like “see, I told you!” Well, I did the Pilates tapes consistantly until we started trying to get pregnant again (during which time I undid all my hard work….again).
Well, fast forward to recent months and the incident where my youngest broke our VCR. If I did pilates, I would have to do the upper body one only. In November I broke down and purchased (ebay) the DVD versions to the videos I’d had. I remembered how relaxed I would feel after Pilates and how it seemed to give me more muscle control for everyday chores. This is my fourth week of doing Pilates five times a week (I do cardio too) and I can see a big difference in just my posture already. I’m sitting up taller, standing taller and looking slimmer. Of course, my measurements in a few weeks will tell more than my “feelings” but I actually looked in the mirror yesterday and thought, “hmm, interesting.”
Food has been such a focus for me that serious exercise had been on the back burner. It’s nice to get the body moving. When I have less around my middle, the moves will be even more controlled and smooth but for now, I’m just feeling good about doing it at all.
WOOOHOOO FOR BLAIR!!!!! I know what you mean about feeling it and coordination issues. LOL I felt that way the first couple of times I did pilates, too. I love pilates!!! I need to get my DVD back out and give it a go over the holidays while it is so cold outside. I can do those anytime of day and not have to rely on Dan being here to get it done.
Comment by Leann — December 4, 2006 @ 3:44 pm
I’m not really familiar with pilates, but I find yoga to strengthen my posture and it’s great for relaxing too. In fact, sometimes when I have a tension headache, I do some back-postures and find it goes away.
How is pilates different than yoga, do you know? Does it require equipment?
Comment by lady laura — December 4, 2006 @ 5:58 pm
I have a DVD for floorwork. I just use a mat and a DVD and I am set. I think it is a combination of yoga and basic stretching and callisthenics (msp?) without the spiritual aspect of yoga. There is a lot of ballet stuff in it and that is why I like it so much. I used to be a dancer if you can believe that.
A guy named Pilates came up with it. There is some expensive equipment that some trainers have but you don’t need it to do the basics.
Comment by Leann — December 4, 2006 @ 7:09 pm
ohhhhh thanks for the reminder! i’ve been meaning to start back on pilates (especially now with the healing broken toe).
Comment by anne — December 4, 2006 @ 8:12 pm
Thanks for this Blair. I desperately need something to do in my house. Up until now I have been running but now it is FRIGID outside. My husband is still running but with my rheumatoid I cannot tolerate the cold. If my hands and feet get cold they go numb and it takes hours for them to start “working” again. We have FitTV so I am going to set up my DVR to record some of the Pilates classes to do in my bedroom. I could for sure benefit from having better coordination!!!
Comment by Mandi — December 5, 2006 @ 7:25 am
I don’t know much about yoga but is it more stretching than strengthing? There are a lot of isometrics in pilates coupled with all the stretching.
Oh and like Leann said, you don’t have to have equipment for pilates (I hear the machines are very expensive). during my upper body workout I use light hand weights. I would like a mat but currently use a quilt lol. I use the Winsor Pilates DVDs but there are lots of them out there by other people.
Leann, have you seen pics of Joseph Pilates? He was seriously fit and toned! A dancer - very cool! I do like the graceful feel of pilates. My darling hubby has a hard time calling it exercise because you don’t really do much sweating but he does admit that it is quite challenging (yes, he’s done them with me from time to time).
Yes Anne - pilates would be perfect for while you wait for that toe to heal!
And Mandi - I could see how it would be beneficial for you as well. How cool that you can get it on fitTV.
Comment by Blair — December 5, 2006 @ 2:18 pm