Monday, 24 March 2008

Good Morning

Debs - How is your earache?

OK since it is not time for weigh in yet and I probably won’t be back online until much later… I am going ahead and announcing.. that I am HAVING a Hard time doing the right thing with my eating. I will do well for one day then not so well for the rest of the week. I am slowing creeping back up and 5 lbs seems like a very big deal to me.

I want to not struggle with this anymore. I want to not be so fixated on this subject. I have too many other subjects to fixate on and this subject is about me and the other subjects are about my family and others and I feel like I take away time from what I am really supposed to be doing.

And you know what. Being a wife and a mother is my number one job. In order to do that effectively I know that I need to take care of myself correctly. But I am a selfish, lazy, gluttonous being who has a hard time living by the Spirit in this area.

So anyway… here I am again… another holiday another salty weigh in. 158.5



  1. Char, bigs hugs and prayers. We love you, and you will beat this.

    My ear is really muffled and I can’t hear anything in that ear. I spoke to a nurse on NHS direct (a call centre you can ring when it’s out of normal surgery hours, or just for advice) who said that from my symptoms it’s probably not an ear infection, rather deferred pain from my throat.
    My mum says that when I was little I used to complain of earache and then it would turn out I had a throat infection.
    She advised me on some stronger painkillers I can try, and we’ve just been out to get them. But basically, it’s probably just a virus and should get better in time. I am coughing up some nasty gunk (sorry, TMI) so I think it might be as well to go to the doctors when they are open so they can look at my throat and ears and decide if they think it’s a case for antibiotics. But in the meantime I just have to stay warm and keep taking the tablets!

    Comment by Debs — March 24, 2008 @ 4:57 am |Edit This

  2. WELL, I am up a pound this morning. It’s a little discouraging, but I found out on Saturday morning that I’m pregnant with baby #4. I’m excited, but with every pregnancy I’ve always gained 40 lbs. I would really love to have a more healthy weight gain.

    Would one of you guys consider adding a topic about healthy weight during pregnancy? I’m still planning on exercising a lot, but I know I’m not suppose to diet. I also don’t want to indulge…

    Just a though, though.

    Comment by Julie — March 24, 2008 @ 6:04 am |Edit This

  3. Congratulations Julie!!!! I personally never behaved myself during my pregnancies…but maybe we can chip in do some research!

    Love you Char!!!

    Comment by blestwithsons — March 24, 2008 @ 6:36 am |Edit This

  4. Julie, congratulations :grin:

    Comment by Debs — March 24, 2008 @ 6:47 am |Edit This

  5. Congrats Julie!

    Comment by Cristina — March 24, 2008 @ 8:22 am |Edit This

  6. Ha! Pregnancy is the one time in my life I was pretty healthy but I don’t know that I can write much about it. I’m sure we can all chip in and research. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by Tami — March 24, 2008 @ 9:59 am |Edit This

  7. thanks! i’m determined NOT to eat the lemon chiffon cake i made for easter dinner. here’s a tip:

    don’t leave a fork on the cake stand or in the pan. EVER. :)

    I’m going to throw the cake away RIGHT NOW.

    Comment by Julie — March 24, 2008 @ 11:54 am |Edit This

  8. great tip! You guys are so encouraging! char

    Comment by Charlotte Cushman — March 24, 2008 @ 12:17 pm |Edit This

  9. Char–you know weighing the day after a holiday will always be worse. Don’t be too hard on yourself! How can we help you? Are you interested in going through Love to Eat/Hate to Eat together somehow?

    Julie–congrats! 40 pounds is healthy as far as I know..closer to the higher end of healthy gain. I have always gained more than that, so I’m no expert ;-)

    Comment by Brandi — March 25, 2008 @ 11:14 am |Edit This

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