Monday, 12 May 2008

Debs’ Monday Morning Weigh-in

I decided that this morning I needed the shame, followed hopefully by some encouragement, of a personal weigh-in to get me back on track.

This morning I weighed 212.8. That’s up 6.8lb in the lasdt week.That is NOT good.

So i’m on phases one for the next little while. And I’ll be blogging on my weight loss blog (in the blogroll labelled Debs food pics) to keep myself accountable. I may even go back to taking pics of everything I eat. Please don’t whonk me, cos that’ll just make me cry, just be nice and friendly and help me get back on track.


  1. Debs, I’m sure a lot of this is lack of sleep and the meds you’re taking and water retention and all that good stuff. Good for you for doing something about it and getting back on track and going on phase 1. You can do it! You rock!
    Love ya!

    Comment by Cristina — May 12, 2008 @ 5:00 am |Edit This

  2. Is this where I’m supposed to weigh in?
    187 - That’s down 2 lbs this week.

    Debs, - Sometimes life just chugs along, and we all struggle more or less successfully with our weight. We all benefit from your encouragement. Other times, for whatever reason, life is all too much. I think it’s perfectly reasonable for our goals to change at those times. Set realistic targets so you don’t get discouraged. (I’m not talking about weight-loss here, just daily targets.) Things like: Get dressed before 9.30 am (or whatever); Tackle ONE job on my ‘to do’ list; Dring minimum of ONE pint of water; Go to bed before 11pm; etc, etc. Don’t set too many targets, or you might set yourself up to fail. When I follow this advice, I always feel more positively about myself, as I usually exceed my goals. (I might drink 2 pints, and do 2 simple ‘to do’ tasks.)
    Even if you can’t manage simple goals…set more manageable ones, and remember: There is now NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ.
    We are all really proud of all you’ve done, weight-wise, and you can bet God is proud of His little Princess too. Once life takes an up-turn, you can get back on track with the weight-loss, and start whupping (?) us. (Is that right? I’ve not been Debs-whupped yet.)
    I’m praying for you….keep breathing!

    Comment by Julie — May 12, 2008 @ 6:10 am |Edit This

  3. Amen Julie! There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Hang in there Debs!

    I’m not doing too well either. 133/134. And my goal was 130. Too much inlaw family emotional stuff. I need to start doing something that will help me cope better.

    Comment by Anita — May 12, 2008 @ 6:54 am |Edit This

  4. Well done Julie, slow and steady is good.

    Do’nt push yourself too much Anita, cos you’ve got lots going on in life at the moment.

    Thanks all of you for the encouragment.

    Comment by Debs — May 12, 2008 @ 8:32 am |Edit This

  5. Debs, we have all had those weeks. I am so proud of you for talling us all. You are going through a lot right now, don’t be too hard on yourself. If you do phase 1 this week you will lose it all in a week too. Its so ok! Hang in there sista!

    Comment by Nikki — May 12, 2008 @ 9:08 am |Edit This

  6. Debs,
    It’s okay! You are an amazing and inspirational person even when I don’t think you’re meaning to be. Do you know that? Just coming on here this last week and writing what you have and then posting this post inspires us to be real. To be honest (no matter how much we might not want to look at the scale or whatever) with ourselves.
    We love you!

    Comment by Tami — May 12, 2008 @ 9:45 am |Edit This

  7. Aw, guys, you’re gonna make me cry again..!

    Comment by Debs — May 12, 2008 @ 10:15 am |Edit This

  8. Debs, I didn’t weigh in last week because I was on trip with my Bird-man. We did not diet. We were good the first couple of days, but then…well I ended up gaining 6 pounds and I still have 4 of them one week later. So, hope it makes you feel a little better knowing you’re not alone. We’ll lose it together!

    You are a great gal :-)

    Comment by Brandi — May 12, 2008 @ 1:00 pm |Edit This

  9. Hey guys… Deb - I love you.

    Comment by Charlotte Cushman — May 12, 2008 @ 2:34 pm |Edit This

  10. Debs, - Where was that post where we all guessed what you were going to do last weekend? I can’t find it now.

    Comment by Julie — May 13, 2008 @ 6:26 am |Edit This

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