The heinous organization of A.D.I.P.O.S.E. (anti-diet iniquitous purveyors of sinful edibles) has got my number!!
Check this out:
After a six-year Internet campaign started by a 31-year-old candy connoisseur, the beloved Canadian candy bar Coffee Crisp has finally made it across the border.
In 2000, John Flaig, a Milwaukee software engineer, posted an online petition on his Web site,, asking NestlĂ© to start selling the Coffee Crisp — a chocolate wafer bar with creamy coffee filling — in the U.S. Six years and thousands of supporting signatures later, Flaig can now find it in his state, and soon (very soon, he hopes), at his gas station.
Aaaaaaiiieeeee!!!! This is not good!
No, I’ve never had one. But they sound realllyy good. Of course, almost anything with coffee in it sounds good to me.
Yeah, that sounds good to me too! Now, why did you have to go and tell me about it?
Comment by Anita — October 10, 2006 @ 7:13 pm
For once my not liking coffee is not a problem, not that you can probably get them here in the uk anyway
All the best with that avoidance strategy I’m sure you’ve got worked out!
Comment by Debs — October 11, 2006 @ 2:41 am
They are wonderful! I grew up near the Michigan/Canadian border and we’d take day trips to Sarnia - just for the chocolate! (and then shop in Port Huron).
I made the switch from Atkins(ish) to Weight Watchers and I’m doing really well. The knowledge that if I want a chocolate bar bad enough means that I can save points for it - sometimes it’s worth it/sometimes it isn’t. But it can be “legal”.
My “gentleman caller” has told me that most “geeks” have a food and beverage of choice - mine ends up being peanut m&m’s and diet mountain dew. I save the points for a package from the vending machine at college and take only enough money into school for one package.
Sometimes, chocolate is worth the points!
Comment by Ellen — October 11, 2006 @ 9:13 am
Yeah. That’s one of the good traits of Weight Watchers. South Beach is pretty good about treats too. Dark chocolate is a-ok in small quantities. I have a stash of my all-time favorite candy bar - The Tiger Bar - in the fridge. I can have two squares for a treat - and that’s PLENTY. It’s really good dark chocolate with crushed espresso beans. I couldn’t eat a whole one if I wanted too!
Comment by blestwithsons — October 11, 2006 @ 9:17 am
I used to keep snickers and charleston chews in the freezer until I discovered that they’re better frozen.
Comment by Ellen — October 11, 2006 @ 1:48 pm