Monday, 10 December 2007

Weigh-in wonderland

Timers ding - are you listening?

On the tray, treats are glistening.

I think they look fine, but I won’t make them mine.

Walking to a thinner wonderland.

Gone away from Lane Bryant

Smaller size? Love to try it!

I’ll face unafraid any cake that you’ve made

I’m walking to a thinner wonderland!

In the mall I eyeball lots of new clothes

Cause I’m getting smaller all the time

I’ll have lots of fun in all my new clothes

When my hubby tells me I look FINE!

When you shrink, it’s so thrillin’

Healthy food is so fillin!

I frolic and play, the South Beachy way

Walkin to a thinner wonderland!!


Good Morning!!!! I’m feeling a bit spunky this morning- how are you?! So now that I’ve got “Wonderland”s on the brain, tell me what fills you with wonder this holiday season? :grin:

Oh….and of course….



  1. Very impressive song. Blest you know how to bring the spirits up! Ok I gained 2 pounds this week. 162. To be honest, I thought I would have gained more, so I was happy it was only 2 pounds. We had a birthday party last night at our house for our 4 and 6 yr olds and I was bad! My goal for the week is to do phase 1 today through Friday and be a bit and only a bit relaxed for all 3 parties. I want to lose those 2 pounds buy next Monday and then I will feel better!

    Comment by Nikki — December 10, 2007 @ 8:18 am |Edit This

  2. Nice lyrics!


    Up 1.2. Not a good week. I seem to have lost all motivation. Grr.

    Comment by Bekki — December 10, 2007 @ 8:28 am |Edit This

  3. 137.8 (down 1.2)

    Still holding to a short-term goal of 137.0 (or less!) by Christmas. I want to be in the 136’s when 2008 starts.

    Comment by Anne — December 10, 2007 @ 9:16 am |Edit This

  4. 214 (up .8)

    I’ve been so weak at staying away from bad food at all these get togethers. My goal this week, is to have a great week. I’m determined to be in the 2-teens come 2008.

    Comment by cristina — December 10, 2007 @ 9:32 am |Edit This

  5. 216/179/165stg (no change)

    I’m holding steady, which is good for the holidays. Last year over the same time period (between Halloween and T-Day) I gained almost 6 pounds. I could do a lot of things better so I can actually lose. I’ll keep trying, but I won’t bemoan progress!

    Good luck to all!

    Comment by Missy — December 10, 2007 @ 9:46 am |Edit This

  6. 294/255.6/250 (STG)
    I am down 1.6 this week. I did see slightly lower than than earlier in the week, but that was the day after I had the headache and was sick and everything, so I’m not too worried about that.
    So long as I continue the downward trend I’ll be happy.

    Christina, I don’t understand what you mean by being in the 2-teens come New Year, you’re in them already - Are you giving yourself permission to gain up to 5 pounds? Or do you mean the 2-tens? :grin:

    Comment by debs — December 10, 2007 @ 9:47 am |Edit This

  7. Oh, Blest - do you constantly find yourself making up new words to old songs? Me, too. You’re much better at it than I am!

    Comment by Missy — December 10, 2007 @ 9:48 am |Edit This

  8. 125.4

    um…. nothing like a cantata to trim away the sugarplums… :eek:

    Comment by blest — December 10, 2007 @ 9:48 am |Edit This

  9. This is a message to people like blest’s mom who may be concerned with blest’s continued weightloss, even though she hit goal:
    Even if I have to forcefeed her I will try my best not let her lose anymore weight this week :grin:

    Comment by Debs — December 10, 2007 @ 9:52 am |Edit This

  10. 121.5

    LOVE the song! You truly have a gift, Blest!

    Comment by Brandi — December 10, 2007 @ 9:54 am |Edit This

  11. Great song!


    Up 1 from last week… but that sounds right… I was down a lot last week. :) merry christmas!

    Comment by charlotte cushman — December 10, 2007 @ 9:55 am |Edit This

  12. 257/186.6/180 (stg)

    It looks up if you only check the weigh in last week but it’s really down 3# since Monday. I got the new scale, blah blah blah.

    I am in wonderment of how a person can hold so much GUNK (cold - sinuses) in their body!

    Comment by Tami — December 10, 2007 @ 10:21 am |Edit This

  13. I’m with ya on that one, Tami! I’ve been trying to get gunk out of my nose for the past THREE MONTHS!

    Anywho . . .


    I’m down one from last week, which is good. Hopefully I can go down another pound and a half this week??????

    Blest, what I would give to be half the wordsmith that you are!

    Comment by Debbie/Boo — December 10, 2007 @ 10:31 am |Edit This

  14. Yeah Tami! I bet once you are completly over this thing you will weigh even less! Congrats on a great week! You did so great!

    Comment by Nikki — December 10, 2007 @ 10:32 am |Edit This

  15. Thank you Nikki!

    Comment by Tami — December 10, 2007 @ 11:32 am |Edit This

  16. 130.

    Um… thinking…

    Comment by Anita — December 10, 2007 @ 11:46 am |Edit This

  17. 194.5–I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read it this morning. :) I was worrying the other day that I was at a stand still and would never see 195, let alone something with a 4 in it, LOL. I was bad last week, although not always off plan. Nikki and I had our traditional Christmas street-fair fudge so I’m convinced the only reason I actually saw a loss today was because God sensed that I needed a motivation to stay on PLAN, or perhaps His plan, if you will. So this morning I commemorated my loss with cleaning the kitchen and a eating a big zucchini and onion egg scramble and one piece of bacon.

    Great tune…very clever. Christmas blessings to all of you!

    Comment by elizabeth — December 10, 2007 @ 12:14 pm |Edit This

  18. Well I am down 4 lbs since last monday…really happy about that…But I’ve been iced in the past 3 days..which is no bueno since I eat when I am bored…good thing I threw out all my junk food though…

    Comment by Abby — December 10, 2007 @ 12:44 pm |Edit This

  19. 168/147/130

    Down 1

    Comment by ChristyF — December 10, 2007 @ 1:26 pm |Edit This

  20. 166.8 up 0.6
    Have eaten all sorts of things that are not exactly South Beach but all in all seem to be under control at the moment. Feels ok and that I am not going so off plan that I am likely to put lots of weight back on. I feel I have really changed my eating habits permanently.
    Love the song Blest. What fills me with wonder apart from that feeling every year of how did Christmas get so near and I am so behind with my plaaning.
    Well I love hearing the readings - check out Char’s blog for lots of reminders. Carols I love and the smell of a real Christmas tree. And sharing the Christmas story with small children who come to it new (even if they heard it last year up to a certain age)

    Comment by Elly — December 10, 2007 @ 3:39 pm |Edit This

  21. 134.5/ I’m down 5.5! I switched from WW Flex to WW Core this week (I didn’t start Core until Tuesday and I was at 134.5 on Saturday… so I am pretty pleased with Core!)

    Comment by gina — December 10, 2007 @ 5:07 pm |Edit This

  22. Debs, thanks for pointing that out. I keep doing that…saying 2-teens…I keep forgetting I’m already there. Ok, I meant to say that I’d like to ring in the new year at

    Comment by cristina — December 10, 2007 @ 7:03 pm |Edit This

  23. Christina…are you just going to keep us in suspense???

    Comment by Tami — December 10, 2007 @ 7:13 pm |Edit This

  24. 241, down one in two weeks-ish.

    life is throwing us curveballs right and left and I’m just hanging on to the rope saying keep me going, Jesus!


    (I’m okay, just on a very very big roller coaster ride just now)

    Comment by Tracy — December 10, 2007 @ 8:14 pm |Edit This

  25. I forgot to actually post my weight yesterday, what with my 3-year-old throwing up every couple of hours and unpacking from our trip and everything.

    210/149.6/140 - Stayed the same. I actually suspect I gained weight at my grandmother’s and then walked it off at Disney World. :D And yes, I packed my snacks!

    Comment by Jana — December 11, 2007 @ 8:05 pm |Edit This

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