…and probably not it’s last.
When we temporarily relocated here one of the things we looked forward to most was Sheridan’s Frozen Custard. When we lived here about 7 years ago we frequented that establishment quite a bit and took any visitors there as well. Although he wanted to go, Erik waited until we came to visit so we could all go together. My favorite “concrete” is Grant’s Grasshopper. Yum! I haven’t had custard in weeks because every time I think about it, it’s not my “free-day”.
On Monday I hadn’t had the best day and I was really craving something sweet. Despite this, I resisted temptation and remained on my meal plan. Erik must have been feeling the same way because once the kids were in bed he asked me, “Doesn’t custard sound good right about now?”
“Yes, it does,” I say this without looking at him.
“Want me to go get us some?” His attention was perked by my positive response.
“None for me thank you, but you can get some for you if you’d like.”
Not willing to give up on his desire for custard He quizzes, “So you don’t want any?”
I stopped what I was working on and turned to him and said, “Babe, it’s not a matter of me not wanting any. I want some, boy do I want some, but I don’t need any.” He looked disappointed. “I do need a couple of things from the store though, so if you want to go get those you could swing by the custard stand on your way back and get some for you.”
“What do you need at the store?” He asks while he starts putting on his shoes and getting his keys. I laughed and then gave him my list.
Yes, he was still eating it when he came home but I did notice that he only got a small cup of it rather than the large ones we typically get. I had a choice to make. I could both give into temptation and regret it the next morning or I could make a choice I would be happy with when the dawn came. Each battle is important. No, I don’t have to win every one of them to win the war but I do have to win most of them.
copied from Scribblings by Blair
you’re my hero!! you have so much more will power than i do!! i cave into just about anything! its soooo hard for me to stick to a diet!
well done you!
Comment by janelle — September 13, 2006 @ 9:42 am
Hero? lol oh goodness no, I have zero will power Janelle…zero. If I rely on my willpower I will cave every time. Focus on God and why I’m doing this is the only thing that works for me. It’s a matter of “I want to lose the weight more than I want the temporary gratification of junk”. The more battles you win, the stronger you get at resisting. I’ve been poised over a tub of ice cream with spoon in hand before. It took me about ten minutes to force myself to put it away and not eat any. But, the next time was easier. Win a few in a row and the momentum builds! Of course, that doesn’t mean I win all the battles (hence my Monday check in where I caved on Sunday).
Comment by Blair — September 13, 2006 @ 9:58 am
Ever since I had a little conviction of recognizing that giving into the lovely yellow bag of peanut m&ms in a vending machine that I swear calls me by name just because it’s there could technically be considered sin…well, it doesn’t make saying “no” any easier, but it does help me recognize that saying “no” is the right thing to do.
This is not to say that every time someone has a little sweet nothing that it’s a horrible evil, but for me, while being convicted that I need to do some self-sacrificing and get my “temple” into a halfway decent shape, giving in even once can be very much the temptation that can thwart the whole process. And, I think ultimately that’s where my guilt comes from…that I couldn’t handle even that vending machine test.
Comment by Alison — September 13, 2006 @ 9:58 am
I can relate to this Alison. I think where it becomes a sin is what eating it means to you…does that make sense? I completely agree on the “temple” reference too and I can absolutely relate to the guilt factor. Food is a stronghold the enemy has used with me for years. I’m in the process of finally allowing God to remove that.
And boy is it a process
One thing I like to remember is how for every temptation, God provides a way to escape and we have to keep our eyes peeled for those exits lol.
Comment by Blair — September 13, 2006 @ 3:04 pm
Absolutely agree with you on all points! You’re not in there alone. There’s a whole world of us out here fighting the same fight.
And, thanks to you guys for this blog. Stumbled across it through a variety of blog links. I’ve already passed the info on to my mom and sister who also engage in the same battles. This site is bound to be a good encouragement to us along the way. I look forward to being a visitor in the future.
Comment by Alison — September 13, 2006 @ 6:49 pm
See now… what happened is that the evil forces of A.D.I.P.O.S.E. took over your husband’s mind and used him against you! But you prevailed!!! YAY Blair!!!
Comment by blestwithsons — September 13, 2006 @ 7:53 pm
For me it is “ben and jerry’s” last stand! You inspired me, and last night when hubby called from the store and asked if there was anything else…I thought of you and chunky monkey…and told him no! You’re an inspiration!
Comment by Kimberly — September 14, 2006 @ 8:04 am
Alison - I’m so glad you’ll be hanging out with us here!
Blest - LOL - so that’s what it was? Hopefully they’ll leave him alone soon.
Kimberly - I like Ben & Jerry’s also…. especially “Everything but the”. I am sooooo proud of you for resisting temptation last night! You should have put that on your “what I did great” list. That is a big deal…I know as someone who was notorious for having B&J almost nightly…or some other kind of junk. It’s just not worth it is is? And didn’t you feel good this morning for having not had it?
Comment by Blair — September 14, 2006 @ 8:17 am