I know I just signed up for this blog, but I need to bow out right now. I’m sad to go but I feel like I’m just wasting space for you guys. I’m not inspired myself, much less equipped to inspire anyone else. Weighing in on Mondays is a joke, and my daily check-in’s had answers like “no,” “none,” and “no.” I need to be more committed before I can contribute anything worthwhile.
I am going to continue to see the dietician and the counselor at the eating disorders clinic. I don’t know if they will help or not but I have to do something before I weigh 240 again.
Also, I did check out the book “Love Hunger” that someone here recommended. It is quite interesting and there are definitely things I can relate to. After one of the initial chapters, however, I was thinking, I’m sure there’s some good info here but I’m not THAT far gone, i.e., self-hatred, low self-esteem, “hungry for love,” etc. And then the last paragraph said something like “you’re probably thinking that what you’ve read doesn’t apply to you…that you’re a happy eater, but we urge you to dig deeper…” Whahhhhhaaa! So maybe I do have an issue or two that is driving me to overeat.
Thank you all for your kindness and best of luck to you on your weight loss journey. God bless.
Loosing weight or even learning to eat healthy is a slow process. If you find any encouragement at all here, I would say, please don’t leave! Everyone’s progess is individual. We are seeing great outward progress in some. And others like me are making very little headway outwardly. But it is still progress.
Of course, if you want to go, we won’t hog tie you and make you stay.
*cheeky grin* But I wouldn’t write it all off just because your journey is different from someone else’s. Just my two cents worth. And I will pray for your journey.
Comment by Anita — September 7, 2006 @ 2:08 pm
I totally agree with Anita - it is a process..a journey. Please don’t feel that we need any sort of inspiration from you Christine, that’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself. We’re all at different stages of our journey - there are ladies here who have been where you’re at right now. And some of us will likely have days where we’re right back there again.
It does sound like you are being extremely hard on yourself. Don’t shoot for perfection…aim for progress. If that’s as simple as drinking one glass of water then celebrate that. We cannot compare our individual journey with that of others - we’re all different. And you know what…that’s ok.
As far as weigh in goes…you are not that number Christine. It has taken me years to get to the point where I actually believe that myself. You’ve already indicated that you have an eating disorder (I’ve been there) and no matter how you may feel about that revelation, realizing it is only the beginning. I have been basically the same weight for almost 2 years since realizing that I have “issues”…but, part of my initial journey has been about dealing with the “inside me” before I could even begin to tackle the “outside me”. It has been painful at times but I know I’m in a better place than I was even six months ago.
The Weigh ins and Check ins are tools - they are meant to hold us accountable…not to condemn us so please don’t allow the evil one to bombard you with guilt. Ask the Lord to help you set attainable goals in each area and go for those…not what someone else is doing. I’m sorry you feel you need to leave. I personally wish you’d stay and stick it out with us through the good and the bad days. Of course, the choice is yours
Comment by Blair — September 7, 2006 @ 2:40 pm
Wow, that got really long…sorry about that
Comment by Blair — September 7, 2006 @ 2:41 pm
I’d sure hate to see you go!
Comment by Carrie — September 7, 2006 @ 3:07 pm
You know you are very, very welcome Christine. And if you stick with your decision to withdraw - there’s a spot waiting for you when you’re ready to come back! After all, we’re gonna be at this for awhile!
Comment by blestwithsons — September 7, 2006 @ 3:37 pm