Okay… day three of vacation. Yesterday went quite well. I didn’t eat out until dinner time, and then I ordered carefully. Steak, steamed veggies with no butter, and salad with balsamic viniagrette on the side. They (the anti diet iniquity purveyors of sinful edibles aka a.d.i.p.o.s.e.) put butter on my veggies anyway, and I think there may have been sugar in the salad dressing - but on the whole I think I did well. No garlic bread, no potato, no soda…
Tonight we went for Mexican and I faced a challenge of monstrous proportions. Tortilla chips and fresh salsa right in front of me on the table. I am so not kidding that this was muy muy dificil!!! Chips and salsa are in my top five of favorite foods- maybe even the #1. I felt very tempted…and very self-pitying. There wasn’t any silverware, so I ended up dipping my fingers in the salsa and slurping it that way.
I ordered fajitas. Ought to be fine, right? I knew I wouldn’t be eating the tortillas, the cheese, and very little of the sour cream. Oh - and I substituted black beans for the rice and refried pintos. The fajitas arrived, sizzling, and looked great! I thought to myself, “Well this is great! I won’t feel deprived after all!” and I didn’t. But A.D.I.P.O.S.E. was after me again. The fajitas were sweet. I kid you not. There was a touch of sweetness in the sauce which covered them… I can’t think of any way that could happen without sugar - one of A.D.I.P.O.S.E.’s key weapons. I ate them. I didn’t know what else to do. I was hungry- and that was dinner. I stuck to the rest of the plan and I’m just hoping that either a)I was wrong or b)there wasn’t much sugar in there. But it made me sad. I’m trying so hard and it’s as if I’m being plotted against!
But I must stay positive. The victory over the chip basket is not to be sneezed at. Honestly, I think that I can point to that moment and really say that I am going to make it. If I can resist chips and salsa, then I may really win this war!
You did AWESOME!!!!! Don’t beat yourself over a little tiny bit of sugar that you had no control over. You are doing great!!! Hang on vacation is almost past and enjoy the family and the time you have. That is more important anyway…
I loves ya and misk ya bunches, btw…
Comment by Leann — September 12, 2006 @ 8:08 pm
Just think of how much less sugar you’ve been feeding your body if the fajitas seemed sweet!!!!! You’re getting much more attuned to it, which is great…… a little will go a long way. Great job on vacation!!
Comment by Lorri — September 13, 2006 @ 6:25 pm
Passing on the chips and salsa is very noble. I am proud of you. Don’t know that I could do that! Go blest!
Comment by Bethany — September 16, 2006 @ 7:55 pm