Monday, 31 July 2006

More food facts (Leann)

Food in it’s raw form (except for meats) is ALWAYS more nutritious and better for you than the cooked forms. If you have to cook it steaming is the best, then grilling is second best. They retain the least nutrients when boiled. So use those steamers and George Foreman grills ladies!!!

Just sayin… ;)

EDITED: The lovely Lady Laura has pointed out that carrots are the exception to the rule. Here is a link for ya to read more about carrots and their nutritional value. So cook those babies… LOL Thanks Laura!!!


  1. I so get you, Leann. But…

    I thought that we couldn’t get all the fiber in some foods if they weren’t lightly cooked (as in steaming). So, in other words there would be more fiber in a cup of steamed carrots than a cup of raw. Does that jive with what you know, or have I been deceived by a dietary villian?

    Comment by lady laura — July 28, 2006 @ 4:16 pm

  2. No, you have not been deceived. You are completely right. To learn more about that I will edit and share a link for you guys. Thanks!!! :)

    Comment by Leann — July 28, 2006 @ 5:12 pm

  3. Another exception could be pineapple… If you are sensitive to salycilates, than you want canned.

    So, now I have an excuse not to try the raw salmon, right?!

    Comment by Kimberly — July 30, 2006 @ 8:45 pm

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