I really enjoyed the post where we were naming off things in common… Let’s do something similar only much much shorter! Here’s how it will work. I’ll start off by naming two people and ONE thing I have in common with each. Then one or both of those people go next in the comments doing the same thing.
Like this:
Bethany and I both love the group Mercy Me
Blair has the same first name as my best friend
Now Bethany and/or Blair, you do the same thing in the comments to two more people! Let’s see how long we can keep it going!!!
Oh - and you can rename someone who has already been tagged, but you can’t do the person who just named you! Translation…someone could name me later. But Bethany and Blair can’t do it right now!
Carrie and I both homeschool our 4 kids.
Tracy and I have children in heaven.
Is that what you meant?
Comment by Blair — January 11, 2007 @ 8:04 am
hmmm, well… okay…
Lady Laura and I both love Pride and Prejudice, especially Colin Firth’s Mr. Darcy.
Tami both like Monty Python (at least we grew up with it!).
Comment by Tracy — January 11, 2007 @ 9:22 am
okay, that was supposed to say Tami and I both like Monty Python. Sorry for the typos.
Comment by Tracy — January 11, 2007 @ 9:23 am
Blest and I both sing soprano.
Anita and I both want to open up a yarn shop!
Comment by Tami — January 11, 2007 @ 11:25 am
Debs and I both spend our days around small children!
Kat and I both make jewelry
Comment by blestwithsons — January 11, 2007 @ 11:41 am
Leann and I both love to cook.
Angie and I both sew things.
Comment by Anita — January 11, 2007 @ 12:07 pm
Whoa there, girls! You’re going too fast.
Kat and I both love coffee.
loves books and I do too.
Comment by lady laura — January 11, 2007 @ 12:12 pm
Ummm… that last one is supposed to say:
Carrie loves books and I do too.
Comment by lady laura — January 11, 2007 @ 12:13 pm
Tami and I are both 24 (at least you were last I knew, don;t think you’ve had a birthday since, have you? Talking of which, we ought to have a OWOA birthday list! Oh, and Blest, you need to change what you wrote about Anne on the meet the team page - Tami and I are both younger than her!)
Neither Anne or I are married.
(how do you get bold in a commment? I don’t really get what you put round the word to make it bold)
Comment by Debs — January 11, 2007 @ 12:24 pm
Angie and I both have four children.
My oldest son’s middle name is Blair. (I know, people think it’s weird. It was my grandfather’s name: Robert Blair and my dad’s: Rodney Blair. My dad had four girls, so I passed it on by naming my first son Noah Blair.)
Comment by Carrie K. — January 11, 2007 @ 12:25 pm
Maria and I have both taught school.
Lady Laura and I are both raising teenagers and still have all our hair.
Comment by Leann — January 11, 2007 @ 1:24 pm
Lady Laura and I both knit.
Angie and I both sew purses.
Comment by Tami — January 11, 2007 @ 1:37 pm
Carrie - Um that’s my great grandfather’s name…we can discuss this more off the blog lol.
Blest and I are married to veterans (her’s is still active duty)
Mandi and I have delivered babies over 11 pounds (her’s via C-section, mine Vag.)
Comment by Blair — January 11, 2007 @ 3:15 pm
Debs is British and I love British things: books, comedy, Mr. Darcy, Earl Grey tea, and tweed.
Bethany blogs and so do I.
Comment by lady laura — January 11, 2007 @ 4:03 pm
If I’m tagged twice, I guess I go twice?
and I both knit, though she much better than I.
Tracy likes to visit National Parks and I was once in a National Park.
Comment by lady laura — January 11, 2007 @ 4:09 pm
I’m guessing that was Anita that knits, Lady Laura?
Cos I’m so tired I’ll nick that too.
I can knit, and so can Anita (and Anita’s hubby - did you see the photos? They were really funny!0
Also, hmmm. Laura wants to go camping, and I have been camping and would like to go again.
Now don’t tag me for a while unless you wanna wait for me to wake up again tomorrow. I’m off to bed. Night all.
And I still can’t do the bold thing, so Blest blog fairy please work your magic….(if you want to! I’m so tired, I probably won’t notice either way!)
Comment by Debs — January 11, 2007 @ 4:26 pm
LOL - yes, I think everytime you’re tagged, it’s your turn again…you’re getting pretty creative with your answers there
Comment by Blair — January 11, 2007 @ 4:27 pm
Hmmm… Who hasn’t been tagged yet?
Leigh Ann and I have both shopped at Haywood Mall in South Carolina
Jana and I are both Rockapella freaks
Comment by blestwithsons — January 11, 2007 @ 4:31 pm
hmmm. while I was at work today (and quite busy), a lot happened here!
I am orginally from TN, just like Steph and Tami
I studied abroad in Oxford, which is close to London, where Debs lives
How was that?
Comment by anne — January 11, 2007 @ 9:45 pm
That’s really cool Anne - you studied at Oxford! See, we really are learning new things about each other!
Blest and Stephanie and myself all have an ’s’ in our OWOA screen names (I put it like that, cos I’m really Deborah or Debbie, and Blest’s name is really something else too!)
Comment by Debs — January 12, 2007 @ 12:58 am
Debs and I both have WAY smaller sisters.
Anita and I both love Mt. Raineer.
(Anne, I’m from WA…moved to TN just over a year ago)
Comment by Tami — January 12, 2007 @ 5:10 am
Leann and I both have kids turning nine next month
LadyLaura and I both love to read (as does just about everyone on here…but hey)
Comment by blestwithsons — January 12, 2007 @ 5:16 am
Mandi is named Mandi, and I had, and still have, a My Friend Mandy doll. And I like the song Mandy by Barry Manilow. The name Mandy(i) is close to my heart
Tami makes very rich and lovely soaps, and I use soap on a daily basis. What’s more, I use her soaps that I won for being so wonderful, or something like that.
Comment by lady laura — January 12, 2007 @ 7:56 am
Blest, Leann, and I ALL have a son turning 9 in February. (Devin will be 9 on Valentine’s Day)
Tami and I both spell our names with an “i”.
Lady Laura - When I was a little girl I used to have Barry Manilow’s album with “Mandy” on it and I used to listen to it all of the time. My sister got mad at me one day and stepped on my record and broke it. I don’t think I ever recovered from that…. ;o)
Comment by Mandi — January 12, 2007 @ 8:29 am
Well actually, Leann has a daughter. But what’s weird is that we have consecutive bdays going on here. My boy is the 13th and Leann’s girl is the 15th. BIZARRE!!!
Comment by blestwithsons — January 12, 2007 @ 8:32 am
Debs, Tracy and I all love to swim.
Stephanie and I have both eaten at Ruby Tuesday’s in Nashville recently.
Comment by blestwithsons — January 12, 2007 @ 8:37 am
I don’t know why this is confusing to me - but just go with it and know that I’m confused
Deb is British, yesterday I obtained a British client! My first foregin company (heh heh - that sounds funny…) We also has skinny sisters.
Blest is doing South Beach too (ok, yeah - that was way too easy).
Bingo - did I do it right?
Comment by Kat — January 12, 2007 @ 8:56 am
Ok, so while I was at work I got tagged by many people,
I’m a member of OWOA, and so are lots of other lovely ladies. If you’re one of them, consider yourself tagged!
(There, I think that satisfys the having a go for every time you got tagged!
Comment by Debs — January 12, 2007 @ 9:05 am
Okay, I was tagged twice, so I guess I will do 2 names and ask if anyone else hasn’t been tagged yet that wants to be tagged - I’ll figure something out and tag you
Blest and I are both vertically challenged. Bethany has the same name as a very close family member of mine.
Comment by Tracy — January 12, 2007 @ 9:18 am
Okay, I’m getting in on this a little late, but here goes.
Carrie and I both have a son named Noah.
Lady Laura and I are both anglophiles.
Comment by Jana — January 12, 2007 @ 9:26 am
Actually Emmy’s in the 17th…
Maria, Stephanie and I are all Women at Home moderators and have been friends online for over three years.
Blair and I have been sugar free ALL WEEK!!!!! …and we have relatives in the East Texas area (Longview, Kilgore and Tyler)
Oh and the obvious that LeighAnn and I have the SAME NAME!!! LOL
Comment by Leann — January 12, 2007 @ 9:44 am
Oh no, what’s gone wrong with the blold?
Comment by Debs — January 12, 2007 @ 9:50 am
I fixed it! I fixed it! Now let’s see…
Blair and I both have brown hair!
Mandi and I both have had four boys through four c-sections!
Comment by blestwithsons — January 12, 2007 @ 10:20 am
See, Blest is the blog fairy
Comment by Debs — January 12, 2007 @ 11:07 am
Blest and I both have a son named Josh whom we call Joshie and we both regularly comment on the Thinklings blog.
Lady Laura and I both like to dress pretty when we are ovulating. HA! It wasn’t until my husband and I started using NFP that I realized I always put hot rollers in my hair when I am ovulating.
Comment by Mandi — January 12, 2007 @ 11:17 am
Ok - Tagged Twice so here goes…
Jana does digital scrapbooking and I’m in the process of converting over to digital scrapbooking.
Kimberly and I are both very familiar with Protein Power.
Maria lives in Arkansas and I was stationed there (LRAFB).
Lorri is pregnant and I have been pregnant 6 times.
Comment by Blair — January 12, 2007 @ 11:36 am
Oh and since Debs did a blanket tag - here’s one for you girl…
Debs and I participate in Wordless Wednesday on our blogs
Comment by Blair — January 12, 2007 @ 11:37 am
I sometimes do works for me Wendnesday and I know Blest has done them (I’ve been trawling through your archives Blest, and my goodness have I laughed a lot!)
I like posting photos on my blog and so does Leigh-Ann (please please update your blog! I want to see more pics
Comment by Debs — January 12, 2007 @ 11:47 am
I’m not sure if this will catch me up, but it’s all I can think of for now!
Lady Laura and I both like to track our reading habits on our blogs.
Leann and I both crochet.
Comment by Carrie K. — January 12, 2007 @ 12:39 pm
Mandi–I actually snorted when I read your last comment. Hilarious!
Let’s see… I color my hair so I tag anyone else who does the same.
Anita likes to hike and I do too.
Debs wants to get married (you do, don’t ya Debs?) and so do I.
Comment by lady laura — January 12, 2007 @ 12:44 pm
Holy cow, tagged again!
Blest loves Jeeves and Wooster, and I do too.
Leann loves her pastor and so do I. HA!
Comment by lady laura — January 12, 2007 @ 12:47 pm
Leann and I both went to see Mercy Me in October
Angie and I have both been to Community Bible Church in Beaufort, SC
Comment by blestwithsons — January 12, 2007 @ 2:02 pm
Yes Lady Laura, I do want to get married one day
Hmmm, running out of ideas here people.
Tracy and I both like de-cluttering.
Blest and I both like a good rummage at a yard sale.
(Hmm, do those two things cancel each other out? Could that be the problem?!?!)
Comment by Debs — January 12, 2007 @ 4:24 pm
Whoa!! Lose internet for two days and I miss all the fun!!
Okay…I’m gonna do some catching up.
Debs and I are both tall, although she’s taller. (I’m 5′ 9″)
Blair and I run. Also, she’s been in the Air Force and so has my husband.
Leann and I both like Brussel Sprouts….yummy!
Leigh Ann and I both have played with snakes…although I probably have her beat on that one. I’ve held more pythons and boa constrictors than I care to count but the one I like to brag about most is the anaconda I let crawl all over me!! Yes, I’m weird!
Sorry it took me so long to play!
Comment by Bethany — January 13, 2007 @ 6:38 am
Wow - ok….hmmm…let’s see…
Mandi and I have experience the joy of kidney stones - OUCH!
Leann and I have minister’s in the family - her hubby and my grandad
Comment by Blair — January 13, 2007 @ 7:38 am
Ohh Blair DO NOT remind me!!
Blair was in the Airforce and I was born on an Airforce base in Cheyenne, WY.
Jana and I are both 5′4.
Comment by Mandi — January 13, 2007 @ 7:46 am
Tracy has a toddler that likes climbing, and I look after one two days a week.
Blest and I both commented on the last post I wrote (Yes, the comment by HP was by my little sister Blest)
Comment by Debs — January 13, 2007 @ 11:39 am
I SO suck at keeping up with this!!! LOL
Ok, Mandi, Blest and I ALL THREE have Joshies!!! Just sayin…
I do love to crochet and eat brussel sprouts (made some this week), I do I do…
…and my pastor is DREAMY!!!!!!
Debs and I both like sweet biscuits I betcha!!! I have a recipe that I am trying to make healthier with whole wheat flour but it is just not the same… *sigh* Oh, I shouldn’t go to the dark side with this should I.
Tracy and I both know where Homer, Louisiana is and have both lived in Louisiana (I was born in Crowley, La)! So sorry I missed you when I was close by…
I saw your e-mail too late to make a plan and I am just a bum for not saying something before now. (((HUG)))
Jana, Mandi and I are all 5′4″ …just sayin’ again…
Blair and I both talk about Auntie Flo WAY TOO MUCH!!! TMI… LOL
…am I caught up yet?
Oh, Bethany and LeighAnn… I have KILLED a snake in my house does that count? NO? I didn’t think so… *giggling*
Lady Laura and I both LOVE all things British!!! I wanta go there… *bigsigh* I wanta go to Ireland, too…
Blest and I both love comfy fuzzy slippers and CS Lewis!!!
Stephanie and I both breastfed babies (and I am sure lots of you have but I KNOW she has)
Maria and I are working on organizing our lives and homes!!! (constant battle here…)
…whew, my brain hurts…
Comment by Leann — January 13, 2007 @ 3:19 pm
Oh, we should move this one to the top, too… It is getting harder to find.
Comment by Leann — January 13, 2007 @ 3:21 pm
Wow, I missed alot!
Here’s a few things other people mentioned that you could count me “in” too.
I love… CS Lewis, knitting, sewing, brussel sprouts, coffee, being organized, posting photos, I’m short, I want to participate in Wordless Wednesday but can’t seem to get my act together, I’ve visited Oxford and I love London - wish I could live there.
And, I can’t think of anything new that hasn’t already been said… sorry.
Comment by Anita — January 13, 2007 @ 7:58 pm
I’m so done! There is so much that I have in common with so many of y’all. Breastfed, comfy slippers, military man, crochet, knit, spin??, sew, open yarn store, 24, blue eyes, love to cook, started group at 212#, 5′ 4″, have 2 dogs?, want to visit Ireland some year, LOVE the South, live currently in city limits but long for the country, love to sing (can carry a tune), sing soprano, love Pride and Prejudice…
I could go on and on but I won’t. I’ll just end it with the 2 most important things that have brought us all together. 1) We all have a sincere love for God and long to serve him in all that we do. 2) We all need to loose some weight.
Good night!! Have a wonderful Sunday. I’m going to try to avoid this computer tomorrow!
Comment by Tami — January 13, 2007 @ 9:26 pm