Leann mentioned that they are expecting snow. Well, we are too. Up to 14 inches of the white stuff. Schools have been canceled (not ours, of course!), the icing has begun, and everyone is in a panic. I say, bring it on! After all, I don’t have to drive to work, or anywhere else for that matter. This is when having a well-stocked larder comes in very handy.
All that being said, my workout tomorrow (tonight?) will be quite a bit different. I happen to love to shovel snow. Since my beloved son does too, we usually fight over who gets to do it since we only have one shovel. Not to fear, however. I has plans, ya see.
I just learned that one of my yayhoo neighbors (”Trixie & Dixie”, as I call them) is very seriously ill. Her drive and walk will get a good shoveling ala Nick, as will an elderly neighbor down the street. Since I run a business out of my home and have people coming and going, the walk needs to be kept clear at all times. This means there will be enough shoveling to be done to keep both Nick and I good and sweaty for a couple of days.
Unless, of course, the weather man is wrong (again) in which case I (not to mention Nick) will be very disappointed. We have our hearts set on it. And how else will I earn a cup of hot and frothy chocolate?
Wow, that’s a lot of snow. Not sure I’ve ever seen that much here in London (either in one go or adding up all the snow we’ve had in my life time!
Comment by Debs — November 30, 2006 @ 11:16 am
We did not get any coverage but we enjoyed watching the flakes falling last night from our window. Sounds like you will be enjoying your snow thoroughly!!!
Hope you get loads and get to shovel to your heart’s content. You will burn so many calories you won’t even notice the hot chocolate and you can savor it completely. Enjoy making a snow angel or two for us desert dwellers, too.
Comment by Leann — November 30, 2006 @ 11:40 am
no snow expected here - just a possibility of hail (!!!). And storms and winds, but we’ve been expecting it to be here earlier, and just the winds are picking up. I will actually like the drop in temps - it’s warm in my house and I refuse to turn on the AC when it’s supposed to drop 50 degrees outside - from 78 (now) to 28 tonight.
snoveling snow will definitely earn you that chocolate!
Comment by Tracy — November 30, 2006 @ 1:07 pm
We’ve got snow and LOTS of it - at least it’s a lot to me anyway
It’s been coming down for several hours now and this is all after getting a good coat of ice on the ground yesterday. It’s absolutely beautiful out there.
I won’t be shovelling any though - the condo has a maintenance crew that came around and did all the sidewalks (mainly de-iced them) and the main roads.
Comment by Blair — November 30, 2006 @ 2:36 pm
All you lovely ladies with snow, please post snow pictures - either here or on your own blogs.
Please, pretty please
Comment by Debs — November 30, 2006 @ 2:46 pm
No snow here, but my mom in Illinois is having a mess of ice and snow. We seem to have been blessed with an absence of anything - just some drizzle that will freeze a bit in the morning, but thankfully, no hail, and doesn’t look like we’ll get some now.
Comment by Tracy — November 30, 2006 @ 7:18 pm