Guess what time I got up? Go on. Guess.
Also known as too freakin’ early. I get these nasty bad knots in my shoulders which lead to nasty bad headaches… One of the rules for managing them is that I have to GET UP when they happen. If I stay in bed, the headache only gets worse. If I get up and drink coffee, or at least get up and sleep sitting up until it’s time to drink coffee, I can often manage without taking any meds. (which is yet another reason why you will NOT get me to give up my beloved java! )
I thought of posting the weigh-in at 0348, but sorry ladies, I just couldn’t face the keyboard. But now I am, Praise God, awake and pain free! (not to mention increasingly caffeinated) so it’s time to have a party on the scale! Stand and deliver, my friends! It’s time to Weigh In!!
And just to help you get moving, Bethany is donating this week’s weigh-in prize! A brand new Tae Bo or Zumba dvd - winner’s choice! Woo Hoo!
Woah, too early for me. Glad you’re feeling better now.
right, numbers.
200/175.2/160 Down 4.8lb this week, which seems crazy lots. Well, I know I’m sticking to what I’m supposed to be eating and not doing anything silly, so I shall just keep sticking.
Comment by Bekki — March 5, 2007 @ 6:57 am |Edit This
okay, here we go.
221/201/160 I’m down 4 lbs this week. Woo hoo!
Hope you all have a great week
Comment by Karen — March 5, 2007 @ 7:07 am |Edit This
330/308/306 Down 2 more this week. Total of 24 since I started in January
Comment by Kellie — March 5, 2007 @ 7:08 am |Edit This
Down 0.8!
Comment by Anne — March 5, 2007 @ 7:10 am |Edit This
210 / 170.0 / 135 - I’m down 3.2 this week! This brings my total weight loss so far to 40 lbs!!!
Comment by Mandi — March 5, 2007 @ 7:13 am |Edit This
Down .2 this week. The 170s are so close I can taste it!
And I’m now down 30 pounds total!
Comment by Jana — March 5, 2007 @ 7:18 am |Edit This
This weigh in is for Natasha/Sarah who is tummy-sick today.
She’s down 2.
Comment by blestwithsons — March 5, 2007 @ 7:18 am |Edit This
down 5 this week! Woot Woot!!
Comment by Tami — March 5, 2007 @ 7:27 am |Edit This
Look at all the losses!! Great job everyone! Major kutos to Mandi and Jana for their 40 and 30 pound loss overall!
Comment by Tami — March 5, 2007 @ 7:28 am |Edit This
Down 2!
BTW.. what’s a zumba?
Comment by Kat — March 5, 2007 @ 7:55 am |Edit This
Ya’ll are doing so well! As Tami would say, “Woot!”
I, however, am not down this week. I did not even stay the same. I am up 2. Guess that’s what a week of being consumed with retreat work, then 3 days of no exercise and being overly tired will do. Ugh.
But this is a new week! Time to get back to my normal routine and eating patterns. And move this body!
Comment by lady laura — March 5, 2007 @ 8:01 am |Edit This
Woo hoo, I’m so excited…
Down 3.4 lbs this week!
Comment by Cristina — March 5, 2007 @ 8:06 am |Edit This
198/190.5/140, down .5 pound
I had a week of struggling once I started to add a carb - although there were other contributing factors! Midweek I had gained, so I am very excited to lose, in the end, the little I did! Kudos to Blest for taking my confession (hehe) and giving some great advice. I am back on track. Now it’s time to get moving…
Comment by missy — March 5, 2007 @ 8:50 am |Edit This
Wow! You guys are good! Amazing losses this last week. Bravo on all your hard work!
147/136/130 No change for me this week.
But I’m amazed that I didn’t put on a pound or 2 with my mother visiting and all her bad eating habits. It has been a battle on so many levels. Now, if only I can make it through 2 more days.
Comment by Anita — March 5, 2007 @ 9:00 am |Edit This
Blest - No need to convince me of the necessity of coffee.
Savor every drop.
Comment by Anita — March 5, 2007 @ 9:02 am |Edit This
Down 2.4
Whew! I know you guys are gonna roll your eyes at me - but after being up a pound last week and then stuck all this week - I was starting to FREAK. I know plateaus are normal - but I have no aspirations towards normality!
And I didn’t know what else I could do to get the scale moving…so I’m sure glad it started to move!
Comment by blestwithsons — March 5, 2007 @ 9:18 am |Edit This
264/250.8/130 (250)
I lost 2.4 lbs!
And I’m still having the weird cycle stuff! Which isn’t fun, but look, I lost weight while in the middle of weird cycle stuff!
I did try new recipes this week… but they didn’t come out very well. So I guess I don’t get anything for the challenge.
oh, well.
Comment by Tracy — March 5, 2007 @ 10:20 am |Edit This
Tracy, you could still tell us about them, and how you could change them or what you didn’t like about them. I reckon that’d still count - dunno about the time limit thing, but if you did it soon Blest might let you have it!
Comment by Debs — March 5, 2007 @ 11:49 am |Edit This
256.6 / 201.4 / 130-140 ~ down 4.6
almost got rid of my entire gain from last week. On tues I was actually up two more than I was monday (not cool)…but, thankfully the horrible bloat is practically gone and I’m feeling human again. I WILL be back below 200 next week.
I did not eat anything “new” this week. I was feeling pretty crappy much of the week and wasn’t in the mood for “adventure”. I am planning to try some new recipes during my next freezer cooking session though
Comment by Blair — March 5, 2007 @ 12:18 pm |Edit This
294/265.2/260 (short (or rather now getting quite long)term goal)
I’m up .4 which is probably time of the month. However, I feel like I need to take control of my eating again. It’s got more and more relaxed until I’m not really sure what phase I’m on. I’ve got my south beach book back from Bekki (she’s doing so well, she clearly doesn’t need it!) and I’m going to be really strict with myself and properly do phase one for a week or two. I’ve said in the past that I was ‘back on phase 1′, but I’m not sure I’ve ever done it properly since the very first time. But I’m fed up of losing and gaining the same 3 or 4 pounds that I’ve been trying to get rid of since Christmas. I’m getting back in the drivers seat, and there’d better be a change this time next week (but if there’s not, I’ll just keep going on phase 1
Comment by Debs — March 5, 2007 @ 12:31 pm |Edit This
Down only .8 but finally made it below 190. Yay!
And I have noticed that despite only having lost 6 pounds since 1st Jan I have been losing inches. Lots of my clothes feel really big. Unfortunately I didn’t mangage that wardrobe sort this weekend so i still semm to be wading through clothes that don’t fit to find ones that do. Must go shopping again soon.
Well done everyone. Weigh to go ladies.
Comment by elly — March 5, 2007 @ 1:43 pm |Edit This
I am not home to weigh in yet so I will have to weigh in later tonight once I make it home — I have been sick with a headcold and allergy attack so am not sure what my weight has done……
Comment by Maria — March 5, 2007 @ 2:43 pm |Edit This
216/195/145 Ick. Up two!!!! And probably due to Sunday and Sunday only!! Sheesh. Isn’t it funny how one day can wreck thirty days work?
Good job ladies…so many losses!!
Comment by Bethany — March 5, 2007 @ 4:32 pm |Edit This
Down .8. I really thought I had worked hard enough to be down at least 2 or 3! I’m glad I am down, but still, I’m wondering if I’ll be losing really slowly until I stop nursing. Last time I lost most of the weight after I weaned, but since I’m not planing on that for at least another 6 months, I’m feeling discouraged this week
Comment by Christy — March 5, 2007 @ 8:37 pm |Edit This
Down 2
I’m so glad to see them go! I’ve had a great but busy week.
Comment by Katherine — March 5, 2007 @ 11:31 pm |Edit This
I’m so sorry dear sisters, but I just stink on the PC. I don’t know how to post my recipe. I WILL get it though.
I’ll just say here that it was really good! I made it twice dut changed it a little the second time. I’ll get blest to help me and post it in the am. Sorry!!
Comment by Katherine — March 5, 2007 @ 11:44 pm |Edit This
Okay I am home finally
174/166/125 which puts me down two from last week. I was really surprised!
Comment by Maria — March 6, 2007 @ 5:44 am |Edit This
Christy, my experience was that breastfeeding really took the pounds off. It was when I stopped that it somehow crept back on. Sorry that may not be as encouraging as I meant it to be but don’t be disheartened. But you do need to eat more when nursing as you have to sustain the baby as well. Don’t stop it is just such a lovely thing to do. Just thinking about it makes me broody. A bit late now as I am definitely going through the menopause! Let your baby and you wean when you are ready.
Comment by elly — March 6, 2007 @ 12:00 pm |Edit This
Draggin in late -
Been SO sick since last Thursday. Today is the first day I can even attempt to tackle the mountain of laundry and inch thick dust around here. Didn’t even think about weighing in yesterday.
BTW, am I the only one who doesn’t lose weight while sick!? A peek at the numbers put me UP 2.5 since last weigh in. I have no clue how that’s possible since I ate next to nothing for about 5 days! No fair! lol
Comment by Christy L. — March 6, 2007 @ 12:49 pm |Edit This
Christy, that’s why you gain weight. I only loose the weight initially and then it comes back plus some. My body is so starved that by the time it gets food it just holds on to it. It’ll be back down soon enough! Glad you’re starting to feel better
Comment by Tami — March 6, 2007 @ 1:39 pm |Edit This