Sunday 25 February 2007

Oh my!

Excuse me if any of this doesn’t make sense, but I’ve just finished my new thing workout for this week’s challenge. It’s been a really busy week, which is why I haven’t got round to doing this until now (I have to admit I only bought the DVD today, which is terrible, but it was literally the first moment I could get out to a shop).

I bought this DVD, Latina Size, which is a done by Lilia ’something’ (it doesn’t seem to say on the box) who we in the UK have seen featured in Strictly Come Dancing which had celebrities paired up with professionals battling it out each week, with a couple being eliminated every week. Anyway, I’d decided that it would be fun to do some sort of dance workout as so many of you have been recommending them, and this was pretty much the only one I could find (in fact they only had 2 fitness DVDs in the shop!).

I did the warm up and then the simply salsa workout which focuses on your hips, waist and tum. I had great fun, but I can safely say I wasn’t doing exactly what Lilia was doing about 90% of the time! Ok, so she did have two dancers at the back who were doing a simpler version and I could probably follow them for over the half the time, and when I couldn’t I did a bit of a jog on the spot, or repeated the moves that I had got.
I will try this again, but I’m beginning to wonder if my seeming inability to get my feet to do what I’m trying to tell them to do may be an insolvable problem when it comes to dance workouts! The way I see it is, I was moving my body while the DVD was on (even if not exactly in the right way!) and that’s gotta be a good thing right?
On the plus side, I discovered that the jogging bottoms (think you guys would call them sweats) I got while doing my teacher training course a year and a half ago are now falling down a lot, even when you pull the cord up really tight (I’d got them when I needed some new decent ones for when we were learning to take, and taking PE lessons). Sorry, that sentence had too many brackets, but I’m too worn out to correct them.

Oh, and I did it two times, with my Mum joining in the second time (and with 100 skips inbetween). That’ll be why I feel bathed in sweat!


  1. Lilia Kopylova isher name. looks scary!! I want to try. You’l have to let me when i come home, its sounds mad.

    Comment by HP — February 25, 2007 @ 11:26 am

  2. Woo Hoo! Go Debs!

    Comment by Bethany — February 25, 2007 @ 1:52 pm

  3. Tee hee! That sounds like fun! Good going Debs!

    Comment by Bekki — February 26, 2007 @ 2:48 am

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