Tuesday 26 September 2006

Turning up the fat-burning machine (blest)

Okay…so we had our weigh-in yesterday. And I noticed a theme. Ladies, as a group, we are stuck. So let’s take a quick inventory.

Do you have a plan? If so, are you sticking to it?

Are you exercising regularly? The bare minimum is three times a week. To really make progress you need more like 5-7. And if you’re not sweating, you’re not doing it right. So what are you doing? Are you bored? Is it time for something new? Do you have weight training in addition to your cardio? Or do you need to add cardio to your weight training?

What kind of carbs are you eating? I know we’re not all on the same plan, but good carbs are good carbs no matter what plan you’re on. Repeat after me: White flour is baaad. Wheat flour is gooood. White sugar is EEvil. Is there room for improvement there?

How about total calorie intake? I’m not big on counting them myself, but I think if you’re stalled it may be a good idea. I saw an article this weekend that showed how women continually underestimate their calories. An extra slice of turkey here, a dollop more salad dressing there… it adds up! Are you measuring certain “high-risk” foods? Personally, I measure salad dressing and whole wheat pasta. It’s just too easy to go overboard with stuff like that. If I ever have brown rice again, I’ll measure that too.

Are you eating before bed? If you are - Cut It Out!! I know it’s hard to go to bed hungry, but do it!

Are you eating breakfast? Ideally, breakfast should be within an hour of getting up. It gets that metabolism humming! And make sure there’s some protein in there somewhere!

Do you have a drinking problem? I mean water, of course.

How are you sleeping? Remember that not enough sleep can affect your body’s ability to lose weight.
And finally, how is this site working for you? Is there anything we can do better? Got any great ideas for new themes, new posts, anything? And did I miss anything? Share your wisdom!!


  1. Wow, blest. Good stuff to be thinking about and evaluating.
    In the beginning I was keeping a daily food diary. Everything I ate and drank, when I exercise, how long, intensity, etc. I haven’t touched that diary in almost 2 weeks. Certain things got to be habits, and I left the diary behind.

    I do know that one of the things that is the hardest for me at this stage is the veggies. I am BORED of them. I need to work past it, yes I do. And get the diary back into my routine.

    Off to think more about the questions you asked…….

    Comment by lady laura — September 26, 2006 @ 7:40 pm

  2. I have let circumstances get me down, but I’m bouncing back with the help of Hubby. I need to post this where I will see it every morning.

    Comment by Leigh Ann — September 26, 2006 @ 8:09 pm

  3. I don’t know about in the US, but here in the UK one of the things they’re always going on about is how you should walk 1000 steps a day. I think I’m going to dig out my pedometer and start seeing how many steps I do actually take each day and see if I can up that, as well as going swimming as my exercise as choice. Oh, and if you don’t have a pedometer try using your kids - I remember one holiday when I was younger my two sisters and I became a human pedometer, one person counted 1-20, the next counted 20s and the third counted 100s. I think mum did the thousands!

    Comment by Debs — September 27, 2006 @ 3:50 am

  4. I need to go back to protien breakfasts ( ie omlets ) instead of the easy way out — cereal, it is Cheerios but still…….

    Water, water, water a must I have SOOOOO slacked off on my water.

    Comment by Maria — September 27, 2006 @ 6:22 pm

  5. I decided to do some evaluating and yesterday I sat down to write down everything I’d eaten since Monday. I was shocked at how little I’m eating - this is a problem for sure, add to that not enough sleep and exercise (probably because I lack the energy due to not eating enough)…..and well, I need to change some things.

    So, I plan to keep a food diary as has already been mentioned to make sure I eat enough.

    Comment by Blair — September 28, 2006 @ 6:22 am

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