Thursday 7 September 2006

Without this group... (Leann)

I would not be motivated to keep working on this exercise thing. It has been over a week without exercise. Oh, there are a variety of excuses like the baby has been keeping us up late, I have been studying and Dan has been tossing and turning because he has an ear infection. I have just not been able to drag myself out of bed to hit the road and walk before he goes to work. I really need some prayer on this right now. I need an earlier bedtime and some SLEEP!!! I am feeling guilty about this…

We are also low on funds right now and buying “good for me food” is going to be hard for the next two weeks. Pray I can put together some good for my family meals in the meantime with what we have in the freezer. It is mostly veggies we are short on because I buy those fresh and frozen… Got some suggestions for healthy and cost effective??? Not whining just needing to be creative with what we have… Thanks!!!


  1. ((HUGS)) Leann, I’m there also…with the exercise thing. I need something more intense and am having difficulty coming up with the “what and when”. I’ll pray for you on the food thing…I’ve been there too.

    I’m having some weird sleep patterns myself and I know I need more than I’m getting most nights (hence me crashing early and sleeping for 10.5 hours straight the other night).

    ((HUGS)) and prayers coming your way!

    Comment by Blair — September 7, 2006 @ 10:16 am

  2. Now, why do my comments keep disappearing! I KNOW I commented here earlier. Unless I didn’t… =)

    Do ya’ll know any gardeners you can sidle up to?

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