Friday 26 January 2007

It's my half-birthday too

Filed under: Just Life � Tracy @ 12:36 pm

I joined OWOA on my birthday as my birthday present to myself. I had high hopes and dreams. I still have high hopes and dreams, but I haven’t reached the goals I’d planned to reach.

However, I have to say that these 6 months have been successful, in a way I didn’t anticipate. I didn’t know how that we would be dealing with some hard times during this time period. A major part of it has been the fact that we can not seem to get my thyroid hormones in a good range. It is like slogging through wet concrete many days to just get going and get things done. I had a bout of depression that was very aggravating in that I could see some of the root causes and yet, there didn’t seem to be anything else going on. It was a relief to learn that part of it is from the thyroid problem, and made it easier to keep going. And we’re moving down a path I never would have expected to walk on, as we learned that our youngest has special needs, and has been diagnosed with pervasive developmental delays (translation: he’s very delayed in his development, it might be autism, and it might not be.).

In the past, the result would be comfort eating, complete lack of exercise, and a resulting gain in weight. How do you think I got to be this weight in the first place? It wasn’t magic - the calories went in (I ate them), nothing burned them off, and ta-dah - weight gain.

Instead, I have been managing to keep my weight within 2-3 lbs of the lowest point I’ve made it to in years. Before the accountability of this group, weighing myself every Monday, and working at it with at least a bit of exercise - I would probably have gained. Would I be saying “I weigh 280″ today, instead of saying - I weigh 253, and I’ve lost 11 lbs?

Happy Half-Birthday, OWOA and a special group of gals! Thank you!

1 Comment »

  1. And a Very Merry Half-Day to you!! Great job Tracy!!! You go girl!

    Comment by blestwithsons — January 26, 2007 @ 12:39 pm

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