Sunday 7 January 2007

Victory through vitamins (blest)

Filed under: Exercise, Challenges � Debs @ 5:04 am

I’m really excited about the new challenge, however I know that I’m not very good of thinking outside the box when it comes to exercise. So I was thinking (hoping really!) that we could pool together our ideas of different things we do, and then when it gets to the point that you think “I’m getting bored of doing …. every day” we can look back here and say “Oh, I’ve never tried ….. it sounds like fun”.

And as my brain has gone totally blank I’m not even going to be able to start the suggestions off, so it’s over to you guys….


  1. Alrighty, let’s see here….

    Pilates - I have the Winsor DVDs and love them but you can get a book on pilates and follow the moves from that. Great for increasing flexibility, strengthening your core and lengthening your muscles. I also find it relaxing. You can use pilates for upper and lower body toning as well (one of my dvds even uses light hand weights)

    Walk - there are some really good walking DVDS out - I have some of Leslie Sansone’s dvds (love her…she’s a beliver and it’s obvious in her dvds). You can also put on your headphones and either hit the pavement outside or walk right in your house…set a timer, put on your tunes and go to down. I’ve done this and I generally end up jogging through part of it. I love using praise music so I can sing or pray to the Lord.

    Got Stairs? - Walk up and down them till your legs are about to cave. Time yourself and then try to increase it the next day.

    I have a treadmill and weight bench in storage. Obviously with those you can walk/jog/run or do strength training.

    Dance - The kids and I love to dance around to loud and obnoxious music. I’m thinking once we relocate I may invest in the VeggieTales deal Leann mentioned the other day lol.

    I am insistent that if you really want to exercise, you don’t need any equipment to do it. Most of us remember the simple exercises from gym class as kids. Crunches, leg raises, squats, pushups, jogging…etc. When I was in the military, we were issued a pair of sneakers - that was our workout gear lol. And boy did I get in good shape.

    Comment by Blair — January 6, 2007 @ 8:01 am

  2. FitTV is my new friend. I have been able to do a wide variety of workouts that change everyday. Plus with DVR I can record them (cuz some good ones are on at ungodly hours of the morning) and then squeeze them in when I have time. Programs are either 30 min or 60 min.

    Comment by Mandi — January 6, 2007 @ 5:21 pm

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