Thursday 30 November 2006

Prayers Please (Debs)

Ladies, can I ask you to pray for me please. Lately I’ve been feeling more and more down about my job (working in school as a special needs assistant, not childminding - I love that). When I got the job the headteacher was happy for me to work 3 days a week as I already had a commitment to look after the beautiful boy, but she really wanted me to switch to 5 days after Christmas. At the time I was like ‘Oh, ok - that gives me enough time to give little ones parents notice to find someone else’ etc etc.

However, having started the job I’ve become disillusioned with all the staff ‘politics’ - especially differences of opinion between the headteacher and the deputy (who also happens to be the teacher of the class I work with in the mornings). Add to that the fact that I really don’t think that one-to-one support is what the boy I work with in the mornings really needs.

It’s been on my mind on and off ever since I started at the school. I resolved some initial stresses with the class teacher once he realised I thought the same about boy not needing the one-to-one help. However over the last couple of weeks I’ve just been getting more and more down about it all.

Basically I really don’t want to do 5 days after Christmas, and I’m not really sure I want to do any days really. I knew that this school would be different - it’s a city school for 3-11 year olds with two forms per year, whereas last year I was in a little village school and everyone knew everybody. But I really have tried, and it’s getting to the point that it’s making me so stressed that I’m tired all the time, constantly feeling under the weather and struggling with my eating. I’ve felt myself getting short-tempered with people, especially my family. It’s hard because my Mum works at the same school, so I don’t want to leave her to deal with the aftermath!

I’m planning to go to the headteacher tomorrow and speak to her about it. I’ve put off doing it before becasue she’s the sort of person who can talk you into doing something even if you’d been planning to do the opposite, and I wanted to try to get my head sorted first. I’m not convinced my head is sorted yet, but I’ve got to talk to her soon before she starts to put together a new contract for me (my original one runs till the end of the year, and then she planned to give me a new one for when I started doing 5 days).

Um, right, please pray specifically that I’ll feel well enough to go in tomorrow (sore throat\cold and just mental stress). That I’ll be able to talk to the head at a time that’s not squeezed in between other stuff, but that I’ll have time to explain what I’m feeling and why. And that we can come up with a solution that is best for everyone involved. And that if I do leave the school I can work out quickly job I ought to be doing - Little one’s Mum goes on Maternity leave either at the end of January\beginning of February so I won’t be looking after him for much longer, although it would be great to be able to available to help out them out as and when needed. Thanks Everybody :grin:

UPDATE: The headteacher was off on a course all day today, but I’ve got an appointment to see her at 8.30am on Monday.


  1. Praying for you. Jobs can really be stressful at times. May God give you wisdom and strength to make a good decision and that he will provide all you need - either in this job or in a new job.

    Comment by Anita — November 30, 2006 @ 7:56 pm

  2. Praying, Debs.

    Comment by Carrie — November 30, 2006 @ 8:56 pm

  3. (((DEBS))) I will certainly be praying… :)

    Comment by Leann — November 30, 2006 @ 9:50 pm

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