I don’t know if I should just quit the team. I am typing this in a moment free of self-pity (boy, those are rare;-0.), so I am not wallowing in the depths right now. It is just that one thing keeps happening after another. I was gone to IL for so long. When I got back I wrote my last post and started back at the gym. Then Markus went on a week long business trip and the gym went out the window. He can back and then our furnace went out the window so we were at my sister’s house for a week- gym-less and computer-less. This week I appear in court (Yikes!) and have other crazy renovation going on (the house, not me). I am going to try to make it to the gym, but normal seems like it will not arrive for a while now. If it is best for me to leave the team then I totally understand (I mean, I am having a hard time getting to my own blogs, I feel like a heel for rarely showing up here). I can still check the site and still receive encouragement that way. So let me know and thanks for putting up with me.
And Blest, thank you for your e-mail and please forgive me for not responding. I have been so horrible in that department lately.
Well…as much as I daydream of being a hardcore, tough, Drill Instructor kind of a chick…I’m really not. (if I were I woulda booted several people by now!
) If you think you’re going to get on board anytime soon - and you still wanna be part of OWOA - then I’m not going to be the one to kick you out. The door is open - and we’re all here for you!! Personally, I’m very fond of you and want to be better friends! So consider yourself one of the family unless you wanna de-family yourself.
Comment by blestwithsons — February 11, 2007 @ 7:06 pm
Thanks, Blest. I just checked out your AS site. Very cool. Since they think Daniel has autism, do you think I would fit on the AS thing. Unless since his autism is mild, he acts more like an AS–it really is a toss up.
Comment by Leigh Ann — February 11, 2007 @ 7:33 pm
Leigh Ann, it sounds like you have a lot going on in your life. I hope some of it lets up soon. ((hugs))
Comment by Blair — February 12, 2007 @ 12:15 pm
Leigh Ann, we love having you here when you can be, and understand that life gets full! Just check in when you can, and I for one will be stopping by your blog too to see how things are going for you. Even if you’re not around for a bit, you certainly won’t be forgotten!
Comment by Debs — February 13, 2007 @ 6:51 am
Thanks for all the encouragement, gals. The hearing went well. Right now we have one. They can appeal but we pray that they don’t. We are back at our house–the heat works, the showers work, the water works for now. So hopefully we get back in a routine. Maybe tonight I can hit the gym and then get up early enough in the morning to hit it again:-). I realized I have been trying to do everything all at once. I need to take baby steps so I don’t get overwhelmed and give up. I need to “seek first the kingdom of God” and then the other things will be added.
Comment by Leigh Ann — February 13, 2007 @ 9:52 am