Alright now! It’s too quiet around here! (BWS taps on microphone) Listen up! I want to hear from everyone on this one…
Now that I have your attention… I want to make sure we are all looking for the good in our journeys. Finding the joy - like Angie said so well last night. So I want everyone to report in with at least one thing, no matter how small, that you have done/are doing towards becoming healthier today. Maybe you ate a vegetable! Maybe you took your vitamin. Maybe you exercised. Maybe you said no to a temptation! I know there’s something! And if there isn’t, you still have time to do something today! And whatever it is, make sure you thank God for it!
And comment, of course!
Just got back from grocery shopping. I bought Weight Watchers fudge bars (1 point each) instead of Ben & Jerry’s Fish Food.
Plus I got Baked Cheetos instead of the real thing.
I also bought cherries and nectarines and have a mango ripening on the counter to go with dinner tonight.
I love the summer fruit season!
Comment by Carrie — August 1, 2006 @ 1:11 pm
ok. Not a thing. However, I’m about to head to the grocery store. I just ’started’ and I’m craving chocolate, pudding, ice cream, etc. So, my big PLUS will be if I can get to the store and back without buying a bunch of junk. It’s gonna be a toughie, cuz I am REALLY craving right now.
Comment by Kimberly — August 1, 2006 @ 2:11 pm
Um, I went to the Dollar Tree and got out of there without one thing of candy!
And had lunch with my Mom and sister - ate a salad. Kimberly, I hope you survived the grocery store! (((hugs)))
Comment by stephanie — August 1, 2006 @ 3:16 pm
Kimberly, Chocolate, pudding and ice cream…you need to get either the WW fudge bars or the Blue Bunny vanilla fudge bars. Not sure how much protien but they are very high in fiber! Just a thought… Also eat an apple before going to the grocery store…unless you need apples from the grocery store..:)
Comment by Angie — August 1, 2006 @ 4:05 pm
Ok…let’s see. I have followed my meal plan and I’ve had about 50 oz of water so far. I’ve set out dinner to thaw (remember those lovely freezer meals - tee hee). Oh, I did remember to take my vitamin this morning.
Did not eat a cookie even though my daughter offered me one.
Comment by Blair — August 1, 2006 @ 4:05 pm
Ummm. I ate a green salad and a bit of beef and peppers instead of the sausage and cheese pizza I was making for Nick.
And I almost finished a 30 oz bottle of water before lunch. (For me, that is good.)
But, I am going to “happy hour” with girlfriends tonight and I doubt they have much in the way of salad on the appetizer menu. I’ll check back in later about that.
Comment by lady laura — August 1, 2006 @ 4:10 pm
With God’s help (and I mean literally - I was entreating Him throughout) I rode my bike for the third day in a row. It was harder today because I’m feeling kinda tired - and I did a harder program. (my bike has preset programs)
Comment by blestwithsons — August 1, 2006 @ 4:28 pm
I have had 100oz … okay 96oz (my cup holds 24 oz) of water today — and I worked all day.
Comment by Maria — August 1, 2006 @ 6:58 pm
I didn’t cave into temptation while out for lunch with a friend today - had a salad with grilled chicken.I was so thankful for the strength God gave in that….
Taking my vitamins - 3 x’s a day. Finally. That is just literally blowimg my husband away - he’s so proud of me.
Comment by Kat — August 1, 2006 @ 8:34 pm
I parked farther away from the grocery store and post office entrance today and walked farther in the blistering heat! We are having record breaking heat where I live.
Comment by momof3busyboys — August 1, 2006 @ 10:18 pm
well, diet wise, I drank water, and I ordered baked lays at wendy’s instead of fries, and then I didn’t eat them, (they’re in the cupboard now, waiting to be a treat!), and I ordered an omelet instead of pancakes at IHOP. And healthwise I had my annual exam today, and had to step on a scale for a doctor, and I didn’t cry… so that’s all good, right? (We have to go to a nearby city for my ob/gyn appointment, then we went shopping as long as we were there - gas being what it is these days, we don’t need to be doing a second trip there anytime soon. unfortunately, that means eating out for lunch and dinner. ugh.)
Comment by Tracy — August 1, 2006 @ 10:53 pm
I have had several lunch sandwiches of bagel, Laughing Cow cheese, cucumber, green onion, and tomato ~ no meat! And, I’ve walked the last couple mornings. I was going to skip it today, but DD came downstairs and immediately went the door and pointed outside. So we went
God even uses 14 month olds to do His work, doesn’t he?
Comment by Lorri — August 2, 2006 @ 9:41 am