Wednesday, 2 August 2006

Challenge ahead (Carrie)

Okay, Tracy posted about challenges, so I thought I’d get some prayer support ahead of time for my weekend. On Friday morning, my sister is dropping her two boys off to spend the weekend. Now, I love my nephews, but since I have four of my own this weekend will be hectic. Our demographics will be: one girl, age 9; 5 boys, ages 8, 6, 4, 4, and 2. And my husband, of course, who sometimes is a big help and sometimes is clueless.

We kept them last year, too, for the annual weekend getaway for my sister and her husband. And it went fine, but I was thoroughly exhausted at the end. And I wasn’t thinking when we planned it for this weekend. See, I’m PMS-ing. Big time. And I’m not actually due to start until Monday - after they’re gone. So this weekend could be potentially hazardous. Stress is a big trigger for me to pig out. After a particularly crazy day, when the kids are all tucked sweetly into bed, I think I deserve a treat. You know, to reward myself for making it through the day.

So, I guess what I’m saying is: HELP! Prayers would be appreciated.

One last thing: someone needs to invent a water bottle with an alarm. See, I get my water all ready the night before, filling the bottle halfway and then popping it in the freezer. In the morning, I just top it off and have very cold water almost all day. But my kids won’t keep their hands off it and next thing I know it’s empty and I have no idea how many ounces I actually drank. Arrgh…

1 Comment »

  1. I will definitely pray for you Carrie!! I know how difficult that is! Is there some other way to reward yourself for a long day?

    Hope the good ol’ lovely monthly is kind to you.

    I did get a good laugh about the water - my husband was drinking mine until I got flustered several times and told him I was trying to track my water. I actually keep cold water in a pitcher and pour it into a marked cup. The kids have their own cups (color coded) so they don’t touch mine. I totally understand your frustration though lol.

    Comment by Blair — August 2, 2006 @ 1:28 pm

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