One of my readers, Barbara H. wants to know:
How did you get past the “I know I need to do something stage” to actually doing it?
Well, Ladies? How did you come to that jumping off point? And if you’re not quite at that point, how are you going to get there? And how can we help you?
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I think for me it was pondering a quote from Shawshank Redemption.
“Get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’”.
This is it - this is the only life on earth I get. I choose how I spend it. Obviously all of us will likely die but not all of us will truly live.
I could cite a half dozen things that led up to me “just doing it” but what it really boils down to for me is….wanting it bad enough to alter my lifestyle in a dramatic way. Wanting it bad enough to keep at it when I have a lousy day. Wanting it bad enough when my feelings wane and lead me to negative thinking. Wanting it bad enough to move my body whether I feel like it or not. Wanting it bad enough to choose veggies when I’m craving junk. Wanting it bad enough to reach for water over soda.
Just wanting it more than the temporary satisfaction of continuing in the rut that got me to this weight in the first place. It’s all false, all the lure of the junk and sedentary lifestyle, it brings nothing but temporary highs and oh so deep lows. Wanting out of the prison and into the freedom God offers through self-control!!
And above all….wanting to please God above man…to include myself, my flesh nature.
I have no idea if this will make sense, I just sat here and let it flow. If it’s crazy talk just ignore lol.
Comment by Blair — August 3, 2006 @ 9:59 am
My mom always says that people will change when “the pain of staying the same is worse than the pain of changing” - and I think that’s true. I am tired of not being able to go on bike rides with my kids. I am tired of having my thighs and hips squished when I sit in a chair with arms at a restaurant. I’m sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time. And I’m tired enough of all these things to do the hard work it takes to make a change.
Comment by Carrie — August 3, 2006 @ 10:10 am
For me… though I have been wanting to get in shape and be healthier (losing weight is a side benefit), I kept getting distracted by other things and didn’t really get down to thinking about it much.
Until Blest and Leann started talking about this blog, that is. It has presented me with focus and encouragement and inspiration =)
Comment by lady laura — August 3, 2006 @ 10:38 am
This time it was not being able to keep up with the kids. With them saying “you can rest here, Mami.”. That was the final straw.
that doesn’t mean that I’m doing everything I need to yet. but I’m getting there.
Comment by Tracy — August 3, 2006 @ 11:02 am
While I don’t have a lot of weight to lose, I do want to become healthier. It’s been a serious of things over the last few years in addition to this wonderful group of ladies to help encourage us all.
First, God started teaching about giving up things that I kept firmly grasped in my little fist. I love crafty things and was hanging on tightly.
Then, I started getting heartburn and had to give up drinking coffee for a time.
Then, I injured my knee and couldn’t be as active as I first was.
Then, my best friend talked me into walking a marathon. Half-way through the training I wanted to give up. But we didn’t and we did walk a marathon. It gave me such a really cool feeling of accomplishment. I knew that with some hard work, we had done something we had never dreamed of doing before.
And, I finally just realized that all these things are just that, things. That a life focused on God is so much more important than being know as a crafty person, or being able to drink coffee when ever I want. As I’ve let go and turned my focus back on God, he has given back to me all those things that I love. And I’m trying to enjoy them without gripping them so tightly. In light of eternity, it will all pass away.
Comment by Anita — August 3, 2006 @ 11:18 am
I don’t exactly know what happened… I’ve always known I needed to do something about it.
(I’ve been overweight since I was a teen - with a brief stint of starvation induced slenderness my freshman year of college)
But during VBS, when someone took pictures of me and I “saw” myself…and then having a long talk with my new mentor during which she extolled the good sides of South Beach… Last Monday, after a PB&J (natural PB and low sugar jelly thank you) I pulled up South Beach on the web and - on impulse -signed up. But somehow I knew something big was going on. I was crying a bit. And trembling a bit. I’ve never felt like that at the beginning of a “diet” before. Like Carrie said, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. I can’t stand being who I am anymore. I’m too tired to be a good mom. I’m too cranky to be a “good Christian”. I’m sick of hating myself. And I don’t hate myself because I’m fat - I hate myself because I’m not taking care of business! I am not doing the jobs I’ve been given by God to do -because I’ve rendered myself unfit for service.
Then the idea for this blog hit - and the rest is history. Or to be corny…HIS-story. God is at work - that’s all I can say.
Comment by blestwithsons — August 3, 2006 @ 12:04 pm
Mine is simply because I want to have more kids, and I want to enjoy them! That’s was the kicking off point anyway.
I gained 60 pounds with my first pregnancy, and my starting weight then was at my slender-ist, if that’s a word. I gained 35-40 with #2. Granted I have big babies (9′11′’ and 11′4.5′’), but my body cannot afford for me to put on that kind of weight each time I get pregnant. My littlest is now 6 months and NOW is the time for me to get my rear in gear if I want to try and whittle some of this weight down so that I can start thinking about having more kids.
Then there’s the whole sin/gluttony aspect, but let’s not go there …. *wink*
Comment by stephanie — August 3, 2006 @ 1:37 pm
Thanks for the comments. That’s where I’m stuck now — knowing I need to do something, being horrified at health reports of what obesity can do, wanting more energy, feeling convicted of gluttony, etc., thinking, “OK, I’ll cut down” — and getting nowhere. I need to look over some of the available plans, I guess. One of my stumbleblocks is thinking, “It’s no sin to have this soft drink…or this cookie….or this doughnut…” And, of course, doughnuts and chocolate and Pepsi aren’t inherently evil.
But I evidently have more of them than I should.
Comment by Barbara H. — August 5, 2006 @ 8:22 am
With every transition there comes a little change. My transition is that I really and truly am not going to have any more children and I am turning 40 this year. I have looked at my flabby 30 something body long enough. Oh, I know some of you are looking at me and thinking that I should not be complaining. I get that…
But, I am not happy with what I see and how I feel. I am tired ALL THE TIME and I am just not able to do all that life demands some days. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted and go, go, go. I cannot do that anymore and I am feeling it. I am tired of feeling it. I know that things have to change and I have been reading about things like perimenopause and weight gain in midlife and realize that I cannot do the same old things and get good results. My body doesn’t respond that way anymore.
I fuss at Dan about taking care of himself and then I realized, “Hey, he is working hard at staying alive and being here for me and the children. So why aren’t I doing the same???”
You see, my father had a heart attack 18 months ago and my mother has been diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes. They aren’t healthy people and they don’t eat right and exercise and never have. I don’t want those things. I want my life to be different than that. Honestly, I don’t want to look like my mother and when I look in the mirror I see her and it scares me. She is very unhealthy. She retired last year and all she does is sit and watch television all day. She admits that. I don’t want to waste my life like that.
Ok, there are issues with her… I admit it and with my dad, too! I am the adult child of an alcoholic (my dad) and the addictive personality is very prevalent. …but much of it stems from my Mom berating me about being fat when I was in my teens and only weighed 100 pounds. Yes, she really did that… I was borderline anorexic for awhile because I could not be perfect enough for her. I believe God is the ONLY reason I did not go over the top with it. I measured my food and only ate about 700 to 800 calories a day to stay small. I have come to terms with the fact that she was wrong and healthy eating and exercise are the key for being healthy - not starving to death. God used Dan to bring me out of that in a big way after we married.
So, I am doing things differently than they did and getting it right, at least from an eating and exercise standpoint so that I can stave off those things and maybe, just maybe, never have to deal with them (heart disease and diabetes). If I don’t change now, I will pay for it later and I see that with my parents. It is a bit scary to me so fear and future illness are my greatest motivators as is being here for my husband and children and being active in their lives.
Comment by Leann — August 11, 2006 @ 6:15 pm