Sunday 13 August 2006

I am pondering

In answer to my own questions, I am posting it instead of leaving a comment because, frankly, it has been WAY TOO QUIET on weekends around here. Since it is almost Monday and a new week is beginning I am all about new starts on Monday’s too. So here goes…

1. How is it going? After three weeks are you making new goals? Are you revamping the old ones to fit your lifestyle? Are you developing some new habits? You know it only takes 21-28 days to form a new habit… Post on your progress and share what you are learning and changing…

I am really struggling with protein. I am trying very hard to get enough but am finding it a challenge. I need to make some things up in advance and have them on hand because I tend to make life difficult and cook from scratch instead of keeping canned goods on hand. That is just me… I am a cook and like to be in the kitchen. I need to be planning ahead a bit more to get better meals during the day. I have also discovered that there are just some foods that do not make me feel good and they have to go.

I am also in dire need of early bedtimes and early rising to get that exercise I need.

My goal for this week is to lay out my exercise clothes the night before, get to bed early, rise early, drink a glass of water and hit the pavement. Walking is my MOST FAVORITE thing to do and I tend to pray while I walk. They are both good for me and I need to commit to them first thing every day!!! That starts tomorrow morning…

I also need to get back on my daily nutritional supplements. I think my energy level is waning due to not taking my multivitamin and B12 supplements. Gotta get back on track with that…

Water is still a struggle. I just need to think about it more and do it!

2. Have you read any good books lately? Is there a book that has helped you to make some changes? Share the title and author with us and what you have learned. (a book review of sorts, if you will)

My MIL shared a book with me that fits who I am to a tee!!! It is the Sonoma Diet. It is not a diet for non-cooks… LOL It is a very Mediterranean diet and includes lots of my favorite things (with the exception of drinking wine - ;) ) I know, Blest is shaking her head and saying, “SURE LEANN - we know you LOVE your wine!” *heeheehee* …for the record, I am totallly a tea totaler and a Southern Baptist - you know the whole “never been drunk thing”. BUT I do LOVE grapes and grape juice so that will work out fine.

Anyway, my MIL and I are going to be doing this diet together. I am reading her book right now and getting my own in the mail shortly. The plan is quite simple and is VERY healthy. It meets my cooking desire as well as feeds me so my blood sugar does not drop to 40. The foods are very scrumptious and Dan can eat with me as can the children. I can also still eat mostly vegetarian and be satisfied. It is good stuff…

3. Are you seeing some improvements? …in your energy level? …ability to get a better night’s sleep? What about changes from drinking more water? Tell us…

I buttoned a pair of pants this morning that I have not been able to button for three months! I also wore a blouse that did not actually gape open to expose my bra underneath. It has been a very long time since that happened!!! YIPPEEEEEE

I also find that when I actually drink enough water I don’t have headaches and lower energy levels. I tend to let my body get dehydrated and feel bad because of it and I have just recently made that connection.

I also sleep better when I exercise! COOL!!!

4. Has having a group like this helped you? How has it helped you and what would you like to see here that could be more beneficial? Please let us know…

This group is a total GODSEND!!! It has made me make changes and think more about my choices throughout the day knowing that I have to report in. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!


  1. This post has been removed by the author.

    Comment by Maria — August 13, 2006 @ 8:15 pm

  2. I am looking forward to reading your reviews of the diet. Looks intresting and I may be considering using it myself.

    Oh and where is your random factoid?

    Comment by Maria — August 13, 2006 @ 8:23 pm

  3. Random factoid… hmmmmm….. Let’s see…… I have a sewing machine and when in a pinch I know how to use it??? Did you already know that????? LOL

    I am hoping to sew up a few new clothes when I get down a few more pounds! :)

    Comment by Leann — August 13, 2006 @ 8:39 pm

  4. That book sounds really interesting! They actually have it at my library so I reserved it. :)

    Comment by stephanie — August 14, 2006 @ 9:30 am

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