Tuesday 29 August 2006

What's your motivation?

This word has been on my mind a lot lately and in fact, to be more specific, the exact question:

What’s your motivation?

I keep asking myself this over and over looking for the answer that really sums up what motivates me to keep working at this journey from “fat to fit”. It’s no secret that I’ve been on this journey numerous times, sometimes finding success and other times finding myself lost in the Bermuda Triangle of Fluctuations. When I compare the two places I discover that my motivation often seems to be an important factor. I’ve come to believe that there are two types of motivating factors: Feelings and Constant.

Most of us have a handle on “feelings based motivation”. Maybe you experience it each night after polishing off yet another pint of Ben & Jerry’s. You cry asking “why do I do this?” and then you vow to change things in the morning. Your emotions over your lack of control have triggered a motivation to stop the cycle and get in shape. Most of us begin our journey with this kind of motivation. Something grabs our attention causing us to feel a sudden empowerment to change and a hope that we can. We cling to that emotion with every fiber of our being hopeful that it is enough to stave off those cravings that wait just around the corner.

Unfortunately, our feelings change. I don’t know about you, but mine can change multiple times in a day (or even an hour). This is the big hang up with feelings based motivation, it isn’t consistent. Those of us relying on our feelings and emotions to keep us striving for our goals are in for some major defeat and disappointment. I’m sure all of us were totally hyped when this blog began, no doubt it helped to spur some of us toward beginning change. While I do believe God has brought us together for a purpose, I also know that feelings don’t stay the same, the excitement over our new journeys begins to wane and we discover a very hard cold fact….it’s daily work.

At some point our feelings based motivation must be put aside and exchanged for what I like to call “constant based motivation.” Feelings are a great jump start but consistency is what is going to keep the body in motion. Before your emotions begin to betray you, you must seek out a more stable motivator. It can be something as simple as a goal to get your blood pressure into the healthy range. It can be a pair of jeans you hang on a chair in your room as a constant reminder of where you are headed. It can be a photo of you at your goal weight posted on your fridge door (and then once you reach goal, I photo at an undesireable weight as a reminder). Select something that doesn’t change and will jolt you back to reality when your feelings are quick to lead you astray.

Ultimately though, I can think of no more perfect constant in the life of a believer than God. He is always the same and He always knows what’s best for us. He is there to lean on, motivate and mold us into the women He would have us to be…and yes that includes our size. We know that our bad habits have led us to our unhealthy life-style and reliance on God is the only way to break those habits. Over the weeks I’ve stumbled many times and then out of frustration I kept asking God, “What on earth am I to do?” Do you want to know His answer?

“Seek Me first.”

Simple isn’t it. God wants to be apart of our lives but it is our choice to actively seek Him. If we do, I believe we’ll find THE constant motivation we are searching for.


  1. Wow, the whole motivation thing can really send me into a tailspin. Something that sometimes works to keep me on program is this:

    I have to do this whether I’m motivated or not. I’m not always going to be happy about resisting the foods I love. I’m not always going to love exercising. But I have to do it in spite of how I feel at that moment.

    However, and that’s a BIG however, this line of thinking has failed to keep me “motivated” of late. (what is the emoticon for exasperation!!)

    Comment by Christine — August 29, 2006 @ 1:41 pm

  2. Maybe you’re where I was (and still struggle with admittedly)….trying to do it “yourself”….in your own strength and power. I’m realizing that I haven’t an ounce of willpower in myself…at least not long term lol. Eventually I cave. However, when I genuinely turn the battle over to God, He takes it.

    Comment by Blair — August 29, 2006 @ 1:47 pm

  3. I have to admit that the whole “Don’t do it in your own strength but rely on God” thing has always confused me. I mean - I agree with it intellectually - but have no clue how it feels. All I know is that I have no idea what happened to me. One day the switch threw and it was time and I was ready and that’s all there was to it. I will gladly give God the credit for that - cause otherwise it’s a total mystery.

    At this point…I’ve reached a place where if I’m frustrated at the scale not moving, I eat right and exercise anyway. If I’m depressed - I eat right and exercise anyway. If I’m struggling with other pet sins, I eat right and exercise anyway. If I feel like I’m never going to get there…Well, you know what I do. But I don’t know why or how it’s happening.

    I do know this group is helping, though.

    Comment by blestwithsons — August 29, 2006 @ 6:44 pm

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