Sunday 13 August 2006

Sam's wise (blest)

When you’re out doing your healthy shopping, don’t forget the treasure-house that is Sam’s! I nipped out there yesterday to get some steaks..which I couldn’t get because they’re remodeling the meat department. But I did come home with…

A large box of organic mixed greens from good ole blue eyes (Paul Newman)

Two boxes of lovely vine-ripened tomatoes..still not as good as the ones I grew up on. But better than the normal store-bought, fer sure!

A box of blueberries, which also work well frozen. You’re right Laura! They do taste like little popsicle bites!

A 2lb carton of french green beans - ready to microwave and munch!

A six pack of Muir Glen organic canned tomatoes. I’m not big into organics, and I’m a generic brand person most of the time. But I’ve gotten turned on to these Muir Glen tomatoes. They are delicious!

A bag of six red peppers. Colored peppers are MUCH cheaper at Sam’s than anywhere else.

T’was quite the yummy shopping trip, eh?

I also tend to buy my salmon at Sam’s. They usually have lovely huge pieces of salmon in the meat department. But even better, you can buy bags of frozen salmon fillets. Each fillet is a proper serving size and individually sealed in a pouch. They thaw in no time! Great for those nights when you didn’t plan ahead. And Sam’s has big beautiful bunches of Asparagus, too!

Finally, although I didn’t buy it. I saw the New Weight Watchers cookbook there, and it looked cool!


  1. I *heart* Sam’s and their produce. We go through their big bags of romaine and baby carrots like crazy around here. And you can’t beat their prices on fruit. Lately our choices have been a case of mangos (the baby LOVES them) and bananas out the wazoo. :)

    Comment by stephanie — August 14, 2006 @ 7:53 am

  2. Oooo… I LURVE SAM’S, TOO!!!!!

    Comment by Leann — August 14, 2006 @ 9:16 am

  3. I do almost all my grocery shopping at Sam’s. I don’t buy apples there, though - they’ve always been mushy.

    Comment by Jana — August 14, 2006 @ 9:59 am

  4. I admit, I’m a Samsaholic….

    Ok - here is a secret of mine - but you may already know it. Look for items that end with 1 (for example… 2.31, 5.51, etc) items ending in “1″ in the price are generally hugely discounted. I will even go to and look at the grocery section before I go so that I’m not dragging the family up and down the aisles. For example - in May when I was prepping for our mother daughter banquet I found Lindt truffles (oh yeah… the big bag) for 1.81 - and it was turquoise wrapped - which was exactly what we needed for our color scheme. I have found many, many things super super discounted by looking for the “1’s”. Although - many of the things we didn’t need, and had to pass on (especially the super packed preservatives ones!).

    My favorite from Sams:

    Lettuce (Romaine & Greens)
    The Peppers - oh yeah Blest… the best
    Whole Grain Bread

    Ok - whatever - I do my whole shopping there - so basically I love the whole store and won’t bore you with my weekly grocery list ;)

    Comment by Kat — August 14, 2006 @ 10:26 am

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