Friday, 27 April 2007

Back on the wagon. (Anne)

In light of Blest’s “graduation” post, I realized that I should post my current thoughts/issues.

As most (all?) of you know, I’m doing the Couch-to-5k program…. and loving it! The running feels so good even though this week I’m only up to 6 minutes (running, of a total of 30 with the rest walking). I am so excited to be doing this and have even researched races (5k’s and, shhhh, even a 10k) beyond my end-of-July 5k goal. Because I’m loving this. I also swam today with a friend who’s training for a triathlon (I grew up doing swim team).

All that to say: I am loving my new exercise intensity. My body just feels good.
However, it makes me hungrier (Calories in vs. calories out. I know, I know). And I’ve fallen back into my pre-OWOA mentality of eating whatever I want (candy, big huge monster bagels, french fries, chips, you get the idea) because I feel so good from working out. This is not a good place to be. This is part of how I got here.
So I’ve decided to jump on the South Beach bandwagon. Yes, I know I’m doing WW, but their CORE plan is actually fairly similar to SB. And right now what I need is a kick-start of discipline. So for the next two weeks, I’m going to be on South Beach phase 1 and 3/4. You read that right; phase one and three-quarters. That means (and yes, I’m making this up) that I’ll stick to phase 1 but add in fruit, skim milk, and my morning oatmeal. (oh, and caffeine. Blest did you really make it through phase 1 without caffeine?!?) But other than those additions, the rest of what I’m going to eat will be phase 1.

Why am I telling you all this? For support. And encouragement. And, most of all, accountability. I am happy that I can see old, not-healthy patterns as their sneaking in… and thankful to have all of your successes to encourage me as I root out the old habits! :)

Happy weekend to all.


  1. Oh Anne, I’ve soooo been considering going to phase 1. I just didn’t wanna give up the fruit and milk. Hrmmm….maybe I’ll join you. I have to think about it today. I’ve actually had a great week weight loss wise, so I may put it off a bit yet.

    I’ve changed my work-outs some and I think that’s helped. I gotta post about that soonish!

    Oh, I’m gonna do a two mile race on the Fourth of July. I won’t be to 5K yet, but maybe I’ll be able to handle the two mile. Besides, I always bring my kids to run the Fun Run so it’s a good one to start with!

    Comment by Bethany — April 28, 2007 @ 10:36 am

  2. Sounds like a very sensible plan! And heck no I did NOT give up caffeine - not ever.

    The whole impetus behind limiting caffeine is that it can cause your blood sugar to spike or something - causing cravings. I just decided to tell my cravings where they could get off - cause I was NOT giving up my coffee! :razz:

    Comment by blestwithsons — April 29, 2007 @ 7:18 pm

  3. Good for you - addressing those old attitudes before they start taking over again! I’ll keep you in my prayers.

    Comment by Anita — April 29, 2007 @ 8:01 pm

  4. I like your Phase 1 3/4 thing. ;-) I’ve been on Phase 1.5 for about a week now and I’m doing pretty good. I’m poised to have a good weigh-in in the morning.

    Comment by Bird — April 29, 2007 @ 11:25 pm

  5. […] in case I needed another reason to do this, I’ve been jittery and headache-y all day so far. when will that stop? Soon? […]

    Pingback by One Weigh or Another » ugh. — April 30, 2007 @ 11:22 am

  6. You don’t have to give up milk or non-fat plain yogurt on phase 1…that’s old info :-)

    Comment by Brandi — May 1, 2007 @ 11:17 am

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