Ever since I changed my diet, I have felt awful.
I expected that when I started eating all these fresh foods, vegetables, fruits, fish and other yummy stuff that I would feel better, even terrific. That I would have lots of energy and feel healthier. It’s not happening. It’s been six weeks now.
Most days start out okay. But by lunchtime, I have horrible stomach pains, cramping, and generally feel like there are knots in my intestines, and that lasts the rest of the day. I haven’t exercised in about a month because I just hurt too much. I’m going to the doctor tomorrow. Two weeks ago she prescribed Nexium, which seems to have stopped the burning, but not much else. I just can’t stand this any more.
Did anyone else have this problem when you started SB or a similar plan? Or is something seriously wrong with me?
I hope there is nothing seriously wrong! Some vegetables do produce a lot of gas - peppers, onions, cabbage, etc.
Comment by Anita — June 13, 2007 @ 6:44 am
???!!! That doesn’t sound right! Sounds like some kind of food allergy to me. I mean, gas is one thing - but all that pain? That just doesn’t make sense.
Comment by blestwithsons — June 13, 2007 @ 7:17 am
O Jana that doesn’t sound good. Could be food allergy or some other problem that has been masked up to now. Not that I am an expert or anything so am only specualating but it does sound as if there is a problem there. I will pray for some wisdom on this for the doctor and for you to identify exactly what is causing all this pain. Big hugs.
Comment by Elly — June 13, 2007 @ 8:03 am
I agree–sounds like a food allergy or intolerance. What foods have you either just started eating in the past 6 weeks or greatly increased? Think hard. Bird had the opposite thing happen on SB. He used to be plagued with digestive woes and they disappeared when he went on SB. We didn’t know exactly what caused the improvement until he ate a couple of low-carb wraps and we realized he has a gluten intolerance. He can manage some gluten in wheat, etc., but a lot will make him very uncomfortable. The first ingredient in the wraps is wheat gluten. He had always thought it was lactose intolerance and even took pills for it. But on SB, he eats tons of dairy with no priblems. Go figure.
Comment by Brandi — June 13, 2007 @ 9:21 am
I vote food allergy, too. I am glad to hear about going to the doctor but you may want to see if they will recommend an allergy specialist for testing. If you don’t want to do that I can recommend a good elimination diet to see if something is triggering this reaction if you like. I know I had some really bad stomach issues when I would eat things with nitrites in them and it took some research to figure out that was causing my stomach cramps and vomitting. It was about a three month process of eliminating and food journaling before we figured it out but I feel much better with those things out of my diet. Keep us posted on what is going on and know we are praying for you in this! (((HUG)))
Comment by Leann — June 13, 2007 @ 9:53 am
What have I been eating that’s new or different? Good grief, everything! I’ll see what the doc says tomorrow. I’ve never had any food sensitivities before.
Comment by Jana — June 13, 2007 @ 10:32 am
Jana - has your doctor done a blood test yet? My husband was having almost the exact same thing happen to him. His doctor prescribed the Nexium and it was not working. Now he is taking Levsinex (or the generic is hyoscyamine) and it has really helped. He also made him stop eating meat, tomatoes, and caffeine for a week to see if that helped. It did help a lot. He still occasionally gets a pain so we are going to have a CAT scan done just to make sure everything is okay as it could be anything from an ulcer to gallstones to pancreaitis. You definitely don’t want to be messing around with the pancreas! You are very wise top be going to the doctor.
Comment by Mandi — June 13, 2007 @ 10:54 am
I developed the food sensitivity rather quickly about a year and a half ago. They can show up at any time or be triggered when you get a lot of something that you are allergic to even if you never noticed it before. I can take very small doses of soy but one Sunday my MIL made several things with soy in them without realizing it would trigger a very itchy rash - I had that rash on and off for the next three days. Allergies are weird that way… Praying for some answers for you!
Comment by Leann — June 13, 2007 @ 9:03 pm