Wednesday, 20 June 2007

NOT a Spunk. (Blest)

Okay… so I was out at WalMart last night on an emergency “the gate for the kitchen broke” run…  I was in a cute little flowered chambray sundress (brand new with-tags-on Liz Claiborne gotten from Goodwill!) and kicky white sandals.  I had on earrings.  My hair looked good.  Very little make-up… but enough not to look pale.

I get to the cashier - who was probably all of 22 -and she’s all “Wow - you’re perky!”  and I said “Oh yes. I’m OUT of the house! I have four boys…”

And she says “Oh. Are they teenagers?”


For pete’s sake! Do I look old enough to have teenagers?!!

So if any of you were thinking I needed to be taken down a peg….well consider it done.  Phooey.

ps - here’s my new haircut…


so don’t think I look that old.  So maybe the taking down didn’t work after all… :razz:


  1. Of course…now that I think about it. I actually am old enough to have teenagers. If I had started anywhere between 15 and 22 having kids - I would have at least one teen by now. Whoa.

    Okay….now I feel old.

    Comment by blestwithsons — June 20, 2007 @ 8:27 am

  2. Blest you look great.

    Age is a funny thing though. You don’t feel any different to when you were 16 or at least not much - a bit older and wiser. And yet in my case I am old enough to be a grandma. Thank goodness I am not yet but I am old enough! When I was 16 anything over 30 was ancient but when you get to these ages you thought were old you discover you feel just the same.

    So don’t worry about how old you look( or indeed are) just be yourself. And enjoy that new person you have dicovered that was there all along just hidden under the extra pounds.

    Comment by Elly — June 20, 2007 @ 8:42 am

  3. No! You do not look old enough to have teenagers! People are sooooo oblivious sometimes. I was in Walmart a couple months ago with a girl friend, and a man asked if I was the babies GRANDMA!!!!!!! I am 28 years old for crying out loud! What is it with Walmart???

    Comment by Nikki — June 20, 2007 @ 9:02 am

  4. I love the hair :grin:
    I get comments about ‘Mummy’ when I’m out with kids I’m looking after. Fair enough if it’s the babies, cos for all people know I could be their Mum, but when it’s the 8 or 9 year olds I think ‘just how young do you think I got pregnant? There’s no way I could be his\her Mum!’

    Comment by Debs — June 20, 2007 @ 9:58 am

  5. Well. As a mother of a teenager, I don’t understand the problem. Just what are you saying anyway? LOL!

    You look real cute. Cute hair, nice tan, rockin’ earrings.

    Comment by lady laura — June 20, 2007 @ 11:00 am

  6. Oh I don’t have a tan…that’s just bad lighting! :lol:

    And I ain’t sayin’ nothing…not ONE thing! :razz:

    Comment by blestwithsons — June 20, 2007 @ 11:05 am

  7. Don’t worry, it’s Walmart! I’ve had FOUR grandma comments over the past 3 years since I had my youngest, and every one of them was at Walmart!

    Though I am old enough to be a grandma, if I’d started my family at 19…

    You don’t look old at all :-) . Just consider the source, as a dear friend said to me when I was appalled at the grandma comments!

    Comment by Tracy — June 20, 2007 @ 11:05 am

  8. That teen was clueless…you look young and cute :-)

    Comment by Brandi — June 20, 2007 @ 11:36 am

  9. Hair looks great! As for not looking old enough to be a Grandma…ya never know these days! My mom was 37 when my nephew was born! Ya…my sister started SUPER young. My grandmother turns 60 this year and the oldest grandchild is 25 and oldest great grandchild is 5. Hence she was 35 when she became a grandma and 55 when she became a great grandmother.

    Comment by Tami — June 20, 2007 @ 2:05 pm

  10. Okay, so when I was 13 and my brother was 7 I was asked if I was his mother. I think people are just dumb!! I may have looked older than 13, but I had braces, I was skinny, skinny, bony, 13 year old skinny, and had a Walkman on, chewing bubble gum. Yup. People are dumb.

    Anyway, I went to my ten year class reunion last weekend, and do you know what I think? I think everyone looked better older. Way better. So, maybe it was a compliment! :D

    Comment by Bethany — June 20, 2007 @ 2:46 pm

  11. Not that you look old, cause you don’t! You look young and spry and peppy! :D

    Comment by Bethany — June 20, 2007 @ 2:46 pm

  12. AND…great haircut!

    I think that was my last comment! Sheesh.

    Comment by Bethany — June 20, 2007 @ 2:47 pm

  13. Cool beads and snazzy ‘do. ;-)

    Comment by Bird — June 20, 2007 @ 3:35 pm

  14. Most of the time people think I am a lot younger than I really am (which is 31). I got “carded” at the movie theater this weekend. HAHA Now, I KNOW I look older than 17! After she looked at my driver’s license she said, “Wow. Ok.” But, a few years ago when I was in my mid twenties a woman that I was at a training class with asked me how old I was. I asked her how old she thought I looked. She said, “Well I know you’re probably a little younger than I am.” I asked how old she was and she said, “37″. I was so upset. I asked my friends if I looked that old. Of course they all said no.

    So, I wouldn’t worry about it. People are just clueless sometimes. My boss is about your age and she interviewed someone once and asked the applicant how she felt about relocation. The lady said, “I don’t think I’d want to do that. Are you a grandmother? Because if so, I am sure you understand how important spending time with the grandkids is.” Needless to say, she didn’t get the job!

    Comment by Gina — June 20, 2007 @ 3:38 pm

  15. I never guess people’s ages because I’m generally wrong and it’s so easy to offend people. I blame it on never having looked my age myself. I was always tall for my age and so looked older than I was. Now, I’ve no idea. Occasionally someone asks who’s older, Debs or me. (Me, by 2 1/2 years). That’s always nice! And I did get ID-ed in a pub last summer. And I was the oldest person in the group of friends I was with. Crazy.

    Comment by Bekki — June 21, 2007 @ 6:57 am

  16. Was she a teenager? Maybe she thought getting away from four teenage boys would make you perky, cause she knows what teenage boys are like! :P

    Comment by Bethany — June 21, 2007 @ 1:19 pm

  17. When I was a teenager I had no idea about age gradations. Over 20 = old, is what I thought.

    Maybe she was picking up on your being wise beyond your years. :-)

    Comment by CJ — June 21, 2007 @ 2:56 pm

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