Tuesday 27 March 2007

Checklist... (Blest)

Don’t think you’re losing fast enough?  Well, first of all, check your expectations.  1 to 2 pounds a week, although it feels painfully slow, is a very good rate of progress for your weight loss journey.  Second, take into account the wild ways of water. (nuff said)  But other than that…. take a moment to make sure you are doing everything you can do to transform your body into a lean, mean, fat burning machine!

1.  EAT BREAKFAST within an hour of getting up.

 By waiting until lunch to eat, your body will assume you are fasting, since it may have been 12 or more hours since you last ate. Fasting causes you to conserve energy and slow your metabolism. Weight loss with a slowed metabolism is a steep uphill battle. ~Catherine Gorman, RD, LD, BAAC Nutrition Program Director

2. WORKOUT in the morning if at all possible.  Getting a good workout in the morning boosts your metabolism for the entire day.  What constitutes a good workout?  Go read this post where I quote heavily from trainer Bob Greene:wink:

3. Eat every few hours!  Now I know we aren’t all on South Beach. But South Beach has a rule that I think is applicable to anyone.  Eating three meals and two snacks every day is MANDATORY.  Eating frequently keeps your engine burning!  Plus it keeps you from getting so hungry that you stuff yourself at your next mealtime.  The snacks don’t need to be big - a small serving of nuts. Or an apple and a glass of milk. Or a few reduced fat Triscuits and some hummus… Whatever.  Just eat!

4. Drink Water  We’ve gone over this one several times.  Water flushes impurities, helps your metabolism, makes your skin look oh-so-pretty, helps your muscles function and repair, helps fill you up, and is just generally awesome!  Drink some - RIGHT NOW! :grin:Then drink some more…

5. Don’t Eat Before Bed  I’m not going to go look for the book right now, but I remember reading in Bob Greene’s book that eating before bed does something to your metabolism to ramp it down.  If you don’t eat for 2-3 hrs before bed, you burn calories all night long.  COOL!! 

6. Get those fruits and veggies  You know they’re good for you. Just do it!

7. Avoid Fast Food like the plague. Soda too.  Nuff said.

8. Have a plan. Don’t go out without healthy snacks.  Don’t go out to eat without strategizing your order beforehand.

9. Read this website…constantly! :lol: :lol: :lol:   Okay…that’s all  I can think of…anyone got anymore?


  1. Ok, this may be a stupid question, but since stuff like coffee and tea is 99 percent water, does that count as “drinking water”?

    If not, why not?

    Comment by Bird — March 27, 2007 @ 4:53 pm

  2. Nope, they don’t quite count. Caffeine acts as a mild diuretic. So actually, if you’re a big coffee drinker - like me - you need to drink more water to make up for it. I can feel this in the afternoon after I drink all my coffee… I get REALLY dry. On the up side, caffeine does have good effects on your metabolism, so you don’t need to give it up unless you’re suffering ill effects.

    Comment by blestwithsons — March 27, 2007 @ 5:04 pm

  3. Got it. Thanks.

    Comment by Bird — March 27, 2007 @ 5:35 pm

  4. Thanks for the tips! I wish I could exercise in the am…what do your kids do while you exercise?

    Comment by Brandi — March 27, 2007 @ 6:00 pm

  5. Run wild… :wink:

    My machines - bike and treadmill - are both in the Master Bedroom which is downstairs off the living areas. I babygate the door so I can still see and be seen. In the beginning I let them watch movies…now they’re used to the routine, so I don’t. Well, sometimes I let them do Tae Bo while I do my stuff. They LOVE Tae Bo. They also listen to some of their favorite cds. I’ve got my iPod on - so their stuff doesn’t interfere with mine. (I can still hear them if they need me, of course)

    Now that it’s warm, they also like to run around in the backyard and peep at me through the bedroom window. They are usually pretty encouraging! “Go Mom! Peddle faster!!”

    Comment by blestwithsons — March 27, 2007 @ 6:42 pm

  6. I’ve been lurking for a little while now, and enjoying yall’s interactions.

    So, this question is a off topic from this post, but something I’ve been wondering, do any of your team members have PCOS?

    Comment by amanda — March 27, 2007 @ 6:43 pm

  7. Hi Amanda!! Yes, I know we have at least one lady with PCOS.

    Comment by blestwithsons — March 27, 2007 @ 6:47 pm

  8. Hi Amanda!!! So glad you’ve been hanging around! I had no idea!!

    OWOA ladies, Amanda is one really, really cool friend of mine!! She’s even helping me with a school project for my daughter!! Of course, Blest is too! Thanks you guys!

    Comment by Bethany — March 27, 2007 @ 6:50 pm

  9. Okay, I have a question about the snacking between meals. First, I do it because if I don’t I make bad meal choices (eat too much). But, I could swear that I have read a couple of different places that not letting the digestive system rest between meals is bad for you long term. Specifically, the bowels. However, I cannot find original sources for it.

    Has anyone else heard that/know if there is any truth to it?

    Comment by lady laura — March 27, 2007 @ 8:43 pm

  10. I have PCOS, Hypo-thyroid, and wacky hormones, hence, no children.

    Comment by Anita — March 27, 2007 @ 9:40 pm

  11. Please tell me. What is PCOS?

    Comment by Elly — March 28, 2007 @ 8:24 am

  12. Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrom. Little cysts form around the ovaries making ovulation sporatic. Some side effects include weight gain and irregular menstration.

    Comment by Anita — March 28, 2007 @ 10:27 am

  13. Is there a medical test for this? Or is the diagnosis based on symptoms?

    Comment by Brandi — March 28, 2007 @ 5:59 pm

  14. Yes, I have PCOS, and hypothyroid. 3 living children, ages 13, 10, and 3. all conceived with help though. I have conceived without help, but never carried past a few weeks.

    PCOS is actually an endocrine condition. In many women, there is a family history of type 2 diabetes as well. The ovaries are a sign of PCOS, not definitive though. They used to say that the ovaries were the problem, but instead they are the result.

    I could write a book about this… but the books have been written. Dr. Samuel Thatcher wrote a very good one.

    I will say that diet and exercise are completely necessary to be able to lose weight with PCOS. I tend to do better with Metformin as well, since I have hyperinsulinemia as well (too much insulin).

    Love your tips Blest, though I will have to keep breaking the breakfast one. For best absorption of my thyroid replacement hormone, I have to wait at least an hour after taking it to eat (and not eat 2 hours prior, if I am remembering this correctly). Since I don’t eat overnight, I take the pill when I brush my teeth - first thing in the morning, then wait an hour to eat.

    Comment by Tracy — March 28, 2007 @ 7:40 pm

  15. I have PCOS as well.

    4 living children all conceived with help.

    Comment by Christy L. — March 28, 2007 @ 11:17 pm

  16. Thank yall so much for answering my PCOS question even though it was off topic.

    I have PCOS too–hence the asking. ;)

    After losing 60 pounds two years ago, I stopped taking Met (a diabetic med for insulin sensitivity) and for about 6 months was ok–regular monthly “lady’s days” and no weight gain. Then, seemingly overnight with very little change to diet and exercise–I put back on 30 pounds and quit having “Lady’s Days” altogether.

    So, for the last year, I’ve kinda lived with my head in the sand pretending all my hard work two years ago wasn’t wasted and that I didn’t really gain back anything and my next “lady’s days” were just around the corner. DENIAL.

    But, my denial had to be slaughtered when I brought out my spring clothes and, uh, maybe only 25% of them fit (tightly). I can’t go out and buy new clothes (I live in tiny-little-Asian-ville where an 8 is XXL), so I am responding to the wake-up call cuz by golly wearing clothing aint a choice.

    Don’t know why I am pouring out this story here, but I need to tell someone and get it off my chest.

    Thank you for letting me stick this out there somewhere.

    Comment by amanda — March 29, 2007 @ 7:53 am

  17. No sodas?

    Not even diet sodas?

    I’ll die!! Please let me know if you were serious.

    I needs my diet coke (does it help if I’m not a big coffee drinker? What if I bribe you? Let me know)

    Comment by Bill — March 30, 2007 @ 10:46 am

  18. Diet Coke Addicts are SCARY. :eek:

    I’m not a huge fan of diet sodas, myself. Nutrasweet is bad for your brain, and diet sodas keep your taste buds accustomed to super-sweet stuff. But hey -I don’t want you to die!!! :wink:

    Just make sure you’re getting your water, dude!

    Comment by blestwithsons — March 30, 2007 @ 10:50 am

  19. Hey, Bill, No soda is “good,” but Splenda is considered much safer than Nutrasweet by most people. Bird and I like Pepsi One okay.

    Comment by Brandi — March 30, 2007 @ 11:40 am

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