Monday, 7 May 2007

The Podling Perseveres! (Blest)

Debs asked me how my Podling self was doing!  I thought I’d post an answer since I have gotten really slack at updating my Tales of a Podling page.  I think I’m doing pretty well, thank you!  :razz:   For a week or two there, I thought I wasn’t going to do the Podling competition.  Of course, I kept right on working out.  Six days a week, barring illness and company. (which ran semi-concurrently) I do arms and abs three days a week, at least. And I do cardio all six.

Why was I considering not doing the competition? (which would simply mean not sending in the packet at the end)  Well, this is gonna sound stupid, but I got afraid I might just win.  Now I’m not afraid of winning, I LOVE winning! :grin:   And I’m not afraid of being on television or anything like that.  I’ve been performing since I was five years old…stages and mikes and all the trappings don’t bother me at all.  But I started to worry about everything else. 

If I won, who would watch the boys while I went and did the tv thing? If I won, what would happen next? If I won….  

Stupid, huh?

I mean really, not entering a contest because you’re afraid you just might win is pretty silly, right?  So I’m going for it.  If I win, I’ll figure out the rest of it then. 

Now, as to my odds of winning, I have no idea. But what I do know is that I’ve lost 16 pounds since the contest started and I have a little over three weeks to go.  I’m hoping to finish up with a loss of at least 20.  And the toning that has taken place is pretty impressive, if I say so myself! (which will have to do since I ain’t posting pics of my bare midriff on the web!)  Lately I’ve started doing interval workouts on my bike by trainer Mike Young. Holy Guacamole do they hurt so good!!  I think maybe that’s why I’ve posted a loss of over 3 pounds the last two weeks in a row. Cause trust me, I’m eating

So that’s where I am with the whole Podfitness thing.  I have a few neat plans for my contest package - especially the video.  I’ll keep you posted when I hit the finish line!

1 Comment »

  1. You go girl! You’re doing grrrr-eat!

    Comment by Cristina — May 8, 2007 @ 6:46 am

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